Boy do I hate exercise, unless it comes in the form of things I like to do. Like riding my horses, or playing with my grandchildren, or going for a bike ride with a friend. This morning I watched Yoga for half and hour and then Pilate's for half an hour. Seriously, I'm exhausted. :)
Today's Question: "Why do I watch exercise and feel so much better?"
It seems to me that watching exercise is way better than doing it, and if you don't believe me answer this question; "Why do so many people spend hours watching other people exercise?" Dare I say so many people who like myself could lose a few pounds by doing instead of watching.
1. Gord and I can be found watching golf on the occasional Sunday, we also end up napping during golf. It is a nice quiet sport to nap to. Sometimes we golf, but Gord likes it way more than I do.
2. Many of you have been watching the hockey playoffs. Those jumps of the couch when they score are exhausting. So much better to watch than do...the sweat pouring off those players is horrid.
3. Baseball watchers abound and the only exercise to the fan is cheering and going for hot dogs. I'm sure that counts.
4. Soccer, I could go on.
My point, it is better to watch than do, unless of course you are one of those people, who I'm seriously trying to understand, who actually like to exercise.
Or perhaps, like I love to ride my horses even though it's exercise, they love sweating that much doing their sport. Weird! I may have gained some understanding as to why those people would sign up to sweat like that. :)
I watched yoga and Pilate's this morning for reasons other than my weirdness, I plan to start doing a workout to one or the other at least three to four times a week. I had to see if I'd survive before I committed. I'm not sure about the Pilate's but I think I can handle the yoga. In spite of my excessive frame I am remarkably flexible. So I'll let you know if I survive the first week of this new plan, that ball can be dangerous. ;)
If things don't go well I can rejoin the minions and watch.
My Prayer: "Lord keep all those active sports minded people safe as they stretch their bodies to the max and help those of us who are less committed to simply move more."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day!
Today's Question: "Why do I watch exercise and feel so much better?"
It seems to me that watching exercise is way better than doing it, and if you don't believe me answer this question; "Why do so many people spend hours watching other people exercise?" Dare I say so many people who like myself could lose a few pounds by doing instead of watching.
1. Gord and I can be found watching golf on the occasional Sunday, we also end up napping during golf. It is a nice quiet sport to nap to. Sometimes we golf, but Gord likes it way more than I do.
2. Many of you have been watching the hockey playoffs. Those jumps of the couch when they score are exhausting. So much better to watch than do...the sweat pouring off those players is horrid.
3. Baseball watchers abound and the only exercise to the fan is cheering and going for hot dogs. I'm sure that counts.
4. Soccer, I could go on.
My point, it is better to watch than do, unless of course you are one of those people, who I'm seriously trying to understand, who actually like to exercise.
Or perhaps, like I love to ride my horses even though it's exercise, they love sweating that much doing their sport. Weird! I may have gained some understanding as to why those people would sign up to sweat like that. :)
I watched yoga and Pilate's this morning for reasons other than my weirdness, I plan to start doing a workout to one or the other at least three to four times a week. I had to see if I'd survive before I committed. I'm not sure about the Pilate's but I think I can handle the yoga. In spite of my excessive frame I am remarkably flexible. So I'll let you know if I survive the first week of this new plan, that ball can be dangerous. ;)
If things don't go well I can rejoin the minions and watch.
My Prayer: "Lord keep all those active sports minded people safe as they stretch their bodies to the max and help those of us who are less committed to simply move more."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day!