Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No Excuses!

I don't like today's title but I picked it so...guess I have to go with it.   I'm wanting to rant and rave about how hard it is to make healthy choices in the summer, apart from the 3-5lb bags of peas I consumed over three days, those were healthy...and spectacular.  :) all blinded by my excitment over my favorite uncooked vegtable.  What I meant to say was, Stampedes, parades, multiple birthdays in our family and way too many BBQ's, have the scale going up and down like a yo yo...lost 5 gained 4, gained 5 lost 5.  Today I think I'm up 2 but plan to be down 2 by the time I weigh in to the Stampede in Calgary...oh Lord have seriously...I need mercy and strength and help to just say NO!. 

Today's Question:  "Do you every consider calling yourself a food addict?"

Or perhaps a food junkie...or is that junk foodie.  You see people I'm losing it over here!!.  I'd make an excuse of the heat but it's been raining so much I have yet to get hot enough to complain.  Perhaps I could use the rain as an excuse for the amounts of food consumed, or maybe the mosquitoes, I'm busy eating trying to help my body replace all the blood those sucking vampires have stolen, without my permission I might add.  I want for a legitimate excuse and I can't find a single one.  I've made up a few but they suck almost as bad as the mosquito's.  :)

The only positive I can find is that I still press on in spite of my horrible results over the last months...I'm still, with the ups and downs, maintaining my 10lb loss, but I'm stuck it would appear.  I do good for 4 days and then crash for 3, do good for six crash for two, thankfully I have yet to do poorly for more than 3.  Oh thank you Lord Jesus for that. excuses, well besides the ones I've written about and then brushed off I mean.  I have to find my way out from under this.  Wish I could ride my horse more, wish I liked exercise in other forms, wish I was fond of sweating, wish I was a person who just forgot to eat..ha..that one made me's so out there.  :)  Oh woe is me but you know what they..."if wishes were horses beggars would ride."   Unless the freaking mosquito's were so bad you couldn't.  I digress and I stop at this point before I slip slowly into madness.

My Prayer:  "Lord help us to focus, to press on, to forget what is behind and to go forward remembering that you have gone ahead of us to prepare our way.  Thank you Lord for clarity of mind and for hope that never ends, for eternity and for the promises of a better life free from the bondage's that we so often put ourselves in.  You are truly a Great and Awesome God."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day