Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Tortise and the Hare

It is becoming apparent that I am the tortise and not the hare on this journey.  I'm sitting in the same place again waiting for that rascally "wabbit" to stop telling me how slow I'm going.  No change in my weight I'm still down six pounds with 45 pounds to go.  For the first time in my life I'm not concerned about how long it will take to lose this weight because I am actually enjoying the processs.  And that leads wonderfully into today's question...

"Why on earth would I be enjoying a process that means I have to give up over eating?"

The answer is twofold.  I feel so connencted and aware of my weight because I am accountable to you, as well as to myself. I'm so surprised by how much I love sharing my story with you and as I've watched this blog go from no page visits to 230, I feel so inspired.  Thank you so much for walking with me.

The second reason, I'm done with the over's.  That's a new word.  I sit here thinking of all the over's and how they sound like fun, seem to be a good thing but in reality every over has left me feeling very bad about my behaviour.  Over eating leads to guilty feelings, mental and physical strain.  Over spending, add the previous plus an upset husband or credit card company.  Over cooking makes the food lose it's taste.  Over thinking causes headaches.  Over stating irritates people so I'll stop now.  You get the point. 

My family went out last night to celebrate my baby boys 23rd year.  Children are such a blessing.  We went to the Keg Steakhouse and it was yummy.  They always bring bread to the table and in the past I've always eaten my share.  Last night I had a little crust.  I ordered a healthy meal and ate until I was compfortable and then stopped.  I'm so used to feeling guilty after I eat out so when I got into my car I was ready for the onslaught of negative thoughts.  I was about to let them go when I realized, I didn't overeat.  I didn't do anything wrong.  I was shocked, but not so much I couldn't drive home.  I felt liberated.  I could eat out and not surrender to the over's.  I could celebrate one of the best days of my life and not reward myself with over indulgence and all the bad feelings that would normally follow.  Funny how we think food is a reward and then spend the night beating ourselves up because we eat too much.  I don't blame food, I'm glad it tastes good.  I blame myself for surrendering to the over's. 

I like wabbits, but when it comes to weight lose I'd rather be a tortise.  It is true what they, slow and steady does win the race.  I think that tortise may have been the inspiration for the olympians "personal best" statement as well.  His race was about him, ours should be too.  Change that happens quickly usually does not last, change that happens over time sets in and pretty soon abnormal begins to feel normal.  That's my goal to make eating right, with no overs, my normal.

Have a wonderful and blessed day.

1 comment:

  1. The best thing about losing weight slowly is it stays off! You are not dieting, you are changing your lifestyle, and that is soooo much better than dieting. I friend of mine with a MSc in nutrition told me that any loss over 1-1.5 pounds a week is hard to keep off once you reach your goal weight.

    So don't get discouraged! You will do it, I know you will, and you will keep it off! I'm proud of you for this, Jenny! You rock!
