Saturday, October 17, 2009

Early Riser

I'm hoping this doesn't last, my getting up early that is.  My first night back up at 3:15am, this morning, up at 4:30am.  It is surprising how much you can get done when you get up early.  It's only 7:35 and I've made a huge pot of turkey soup, cleaned the kitchen, organized the things I bought in South Africa, done two loads of laundry, folded one and cleaned out my purse and a cupboard.  By 8:30 am my blog will be up, my work is done.  It's good to be home but not liking the reality the scale continues to show.  I'm down a pound but that was not what I was hoping for.  I'm writing to let you know the water weight from my swelling legs has either disappeared to other regions of my body...or...and I don't like this much, I really did gain six pounds in Africa.  Fried food is from the devil. 

So once again I find myself needing to lose weight I already lost. 

Todays Question:  "Why do we call it losing weight but don't call it "relosing previously lost weight?"

Seriously, I'm tired of losing weight I've already lost once.  Who am I trying to fool here, I've lost the same weight a hundred times.  This is ridiculous, although at the time stuffing my face with fried foods was quite pleasant.  And there is today's answer, indulgence is fun no matter how often it's done and losing the same weight over and over and over and over not.  So now what?

I think a perspective change is in order.  I'm not really losing the same weight because my past pounds have been caused from other things.  I have gained weight from Christmas baking, then I lost it.  I have gained weight from that horrible candy, chips and chocolate holiday we call Halloween, I mean how do you not eat all that stuff while you wait for the kiddies.  I have gained weight on a cruise ship, smorgasboards have contributed heavily to many gained and lost pounds.  I have even managed to gain weight in between celebrations, just eating cause I'm bored I guess.

 My trip to Africa revealed that it only took me four days to gain six pounds, I'm thinking it will take me two weeks to undo four days of fun.  I'm reminded of a scripture; "No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness for those who have been trained by it."  (Hebrew 12:11)  So now I'm being disciplined by a scale.  I enjoyed my little feeding frenzy, I can't even pretend I didn't.  I heard that voice in my head saying stop, I ignored it.  I've been doing that for years quite successfully.  Now I'm wishing I could blame water weight and a host of other pitiful excuses for this gain and I'm feeling a gentle but certain rod of correction across my larger frame.  I'm not been pounded on the head with that rod, I feel like it would be just, but rather I'm understanding that when I receive gentle discipline I'm on the road to being trained.  There is potential for me to learn from this mistake. 

My lesson, listen to the gentle but firm voice of discipline that tells me that's enough.  Listen when I know I'm repeating a pattern of self destruction that yields a result other than the one I want.  I've chosen to lose this weight, no one forced me.  God continues to prove that His discipline is not forced but given.  He loves His children so much.  I need to smarten up, use the brain I've been given and stop beleiving that food is my reward.  God help me to listen to you when I know that I've heard you and make the choice to take action.
Help me to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only...even when the word is no.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

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