Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ooops...It's a Slippery Slop.

I've discovered that things can go well for weeks and then a birthday, or two or three, an anniversary and ta dah...toodle dee...I'm up five pounds, down two, up one, down three...for a gain of one more pound since last I wrote.  Oh the slippery slop that starts with some icecream cake, chocolate mousse, cookies, etc., and before you know it this lady who does not normally have a sweet tooth is eating things she easily said no thanks to before.  Weird!

Todays Question:  "Are you ever amazed by what a difference one good day makes?"

I was shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning and was three pounds down from the day before.  One good day of healthy eating, inspired by my beautiful daughter, yeilded a huge drop.  For the last week all the treats I ate kept the scale moving upward, I thought it would take at least three or four days to drop the excess.  Thankfully that was not the case.  I'm sure that my horseback riding almost every day for the last couple of weeks helped.  Moving does yeild it's own positive result, whether I like it or not I have to admit it makes a difference.

My confession!   I caved, I gave in, I was quitting, I was breaking my commitment, I was allowing food to be my god with a small "g" once again.  I felt to write several times and wouldn't...I was too embarrased to write when I knew I'd have to report 3 or 4 pound gains.  I didn't want you to know I was loosing control...once my choice.  Today I'm feeling in control of myself again and so writing just makes sense...I can show you how together I am....yeah right. 


a. The act or process of deluding.

b. The state of being deluded.
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.

3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.

And that my friends has been the perfection definition of me for the weeks that have past since I made the decision to stop blogging.  Unless I felt led of course.  You know I"m super spiritual so leading is the perfect excuse to not write. ;)  Since leading is so easily mixed with feeling I could successfully tell myself the nudges I got to write and be honest about the gains were mere feelings...since I felt strongly that I did not want to write I ignored the nudges most ardently.  And there you have it...the truth. 

So now what?  I'm spending the next week eating fruit and veggies to reset...on so many levels.  Tessa inspired me into action and it's good to have someone to reset with.  Two are truly better than so many ways.  My plan is to write no less than once a week so no matter what the scale says I have to be accountable...I've learned that I don't do well without accountability, I've learned that before I realize but life seems to be a series of relearning lessons.  I'm hoping one day I'll actually get it.

My Prayer:  "Help us Lord to apply the things we learn to all aspects of our lives and gives us the wisdom to follow all that is true."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to read another post from you! I'm glad you're resetting. I'm kind of working on resetting too, in my self-discipline area (covers eating, cleaning, and basically my whole life).
