Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring is Helping

I have been in serious need of motivation lately, to write, to move, to clean, to cook, the list is endless.  I think the constant snow storms had blurred my vision and although I knew spring was coming I lacked the evidence needed to inspire.  And so....I sat, I did very little and I complained.

Todays Question:  "Do you ever forget, like I did, how truly blessed you are?"

Surprising as this may be for some, I'm not normally a complainer, I usually realize quite quickly what a great Country I live in, how fabulous my children and grandchildren are and how fortunate I am to have all my needs met.  However, that does not mean that the human factor that continues to inhibit my full devleopment, that's a nice way of defining my stupidity, hasn't kept me from remembering the aforementioned things.  Truly I am blessed.

The arrival of spring has been defeating the leftovers of winter and although we are still seeing some minus temperatures overnight, they are not able to prevent the awesome power of the sun from melting those huge piles of snow into wonderful puddles.  Puddles that remind me of my younger years and still compel me to step on them and free them from their icy hold.  So fun.  I love cleaning my mud and hay covered rubber boots in them after I feed the horses, I love the reflections of trees in the clear water puddles and I love how much clearer my mind is as I watch this glorious and long awaited transformation.  Oh spring I needed you.

Soon the buds on the trees will come, soon I will be seeing more than just a few spots of green grass, soon the tulips will show themselves and soon I'll be complaining about how hot it is.  Oh the pains of my humanity.  I'm so glad that our complaints have shifted from how cold it is to how quickly our cars get dirty with all the mush.  So happy to be buying extra washer fluid, so happy to be wearing a lighter jacket.  So glad I can take my grandkids outside without being worried a body part will freeze and so blessed to live in a Country with four seasons.  I truly love each and every season regardless of how long it takes them to come and the process reminds me of my need to change and God's patience and willingness to walk me through each season of my life. 

My Prayer:  "Lord help us to remember that each season is a reflection of our lives, some warm and sunny days to inspire, some dark and gloomy days for preperation, some rain for growth, and always the presence of your sun (son) to lead us through the darkness.  I'm so glad to know that the sun shines whether I see it or not.  Always so in awe of your creation for us, always inspired by your love.  Let us so quickly share as wonderfully and freely with others as you do with us."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day      :)

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