Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Redirection is Good

So it's official...I have changed the title and the site with my beautiful daughters help and I am now blogging on whatever I choose, no one subject, but any one of the many topics one can discuss.  I shall endeavor to avoid tedious ramblings, horrible psycho babble and tones of monotony, can't be guaranteeing it, but shall put in great efforts.

I''m honestly tired of writing about my struggle with weight loss, even more tired of trying to rid myself of these last 40 pounds.  I realize that would sound better and makes more sense if I was saying 4 pounds, however, I still have 40 pounds to go in my 51 pound journey.  I will not say I failed on this journey, I merely miscalculated how long it takes someone as stubborn as I to arrive at such a distant destination.  So every once in awhile I'll let you know when the gap closes, DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH.   :)

"Choice - It's Mine" is a blogspot that I hope reminds us all that we are so graciously given the gift of choices, we make them every single day in more ways than can be counted, sadly we forget that we are choosing our path,  liking to blame others when things go wrong.  Sometimes other people make choices that hurt, bless, confuse, anger us, etc.  We still choose how we respond and therefore still make the choice.  Good or bad, happy or sad.  I love when people make the choice to bless, help, comfort, gently guide, protect, etc., however that isn't always how I react so I'm expecting that others struggle with making good choices as well.  Practice does indeed make perfect...if you choose to practice those positive things, remember that some people are really good at being miserable and practice has indeed made them perfectly miserable.  So,
one day at a time works best, God said it best when He said..."each day is sufficient enough for itself."

If you'd like to walk with me through the choices I make and see others making, to discuss them not just for the sake of discussion but with intention to make a difference either by learning from my mistakes and doing better next time, or by doing something right, or seeing someone else do the same, and sharing the end results of those thoughtful and day changing choices...then I'd love to choose life, love and genuine kindness with you and together work to make better choices on a daily basis.

I've chosen many great things over these 53 years of my life and the best choices I make are always inspired by love.

My prayer is to be compassionate example in every choice I make.  I will be needing help Lord.

Make great choices my friends ...make sure your friends think they did in you.

"Choose each day who you will serve"....and then serve well.


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