I am one of those people who dreams often. I usually always remember the morning dreams. I can't say if I remember the evening ones, unless they wake me up because they are so bad. Most of my dreams are just ridiculous, not scary just odd, I'm all over the place in my dreams. This morning's dream is still bugging me. It was about my husband, he was no longer addicted to cigarettes, this time some kind of berry, came from the ground like a potato, was like a tomato on the bottom and an onion on top, and here is the weirdest part, inside shinny silver jaw breakers, the really small ones. I was pulling them from the dirt and tossing them into his lap, he was so happy with his stupid fruit drug and was telling me all about how the Dr. said they were very bad for him. He knew he needed to quit but the smile on his face was all the dream evidence I needed to not beleive him. (I was weeding the garden yesterday.) I was so mad at him when I woke up this morning. Still processing this one. The only answer I have is that I'd asked him last night if he was chewing Nicorette gum, he said no, I doubted it.
Todays Question: "Do you ever have dreams that are so far out there you wonder what happens to your brain while you are sleeping?"
If so, good, I'm not alone. I was not mad at Gord, so he's not to blame, I have these weird dreams where I can't make him do what I want often. I do realize they are tied to my control issues. Would that I could control myself when I'm awake, never mind Gord while he's sleeping. :) As I write I'm sitting here thinking that my idea of a bad dream is anyone, or anything happening outside of my control. Isn't that revealing? Thankfully the reality of my life is that I didn't marry a man who can be controlled, I should have known that...he was the boss on the jobsite we met at over 30 years ago. I think that's one of the things I like the most about Gord, he is a take charge guy, another way of saying he likes to control things. I love that he is self-motivated, and runs like the energizer bunny. I like to control things from my chair. Oh dear.
One more revealing aspect of note, in my dream Gord was addicted to candy and a fruit thing; I was craving fruit last night before I went to bed and I had a peppermint before I went to bed. Oh dear, maybe I should be mad at myself. No more questions before bed, no more eating a peppermint after dinner and no more going to bed craving something. Obviously a bad combination.
Good news, since I'm into rambling this morning, I am 1 pound lighter and closer to 2. Yay, so the way I count, 15 pounds restored, one to go. I'm slowly getting a grip again. I said slowly, I know I had a peppermint yesterday and it wasn't sugar sunday. Honestly I'm still struggling with sugar, it is getting better, yesterday it was two little chocolates, day before that chocolate strawberry. Please note the improvement is that peppermints are smaller, in case you missed it. Today...I'm going for no sugar treats. Tonight I'm going for no dreams.
I have to say that blogging about a bad dream is very revealing, you should try it sometime. It's kinda fun. Also, I remain very happy with my husband and yes...even more happy that he is a man who does not let his wife control him, even better, he does things for me because he loves too and wants too...and that is better than any tomoto bottomed, onion topped, candy filled drug thingy. :)
(Remember if you read yesterdays blog and post a comment about why you love your country you could win a prize. I'm making the draw on Sunday night.)
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day
Praying you wouldn't have any bad dreams and that God would bless you with insights while you are awake...as opposed to sleeping.
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