Have not written for two days, have no great excuse other than my husband was supposed to be away until today, leaving Sunday, but...without a valid passport one cannot go to the United States...or any other country for that matter. So the surprises just keep coming.
Planned to write Sunday, Gord came home from the airport, plans changed. Planned to write Monday morning, went downstairs to get paper towels, discovered water in the basement. Way too much rain and some plugged gutters changed the plan. Add a trip to the passport office and Monday was a wash...I'm developing a dislike for water that's not where it's supposed to be.
This morning...got a call from my husband, who is suppose to be returning home this afternoon from that no passport disallowed trip to Green Bay, Wisconsin, to tell me we now have no water at the farm. Oh water lies everywhere on the ground and in the ponds, but apparently no water to the house or the horses.
Todays Question: "Do you notice a water theme flowing through my blog this morning?"
I think I need a bath.
July shall be renamed, Water month, I'd add issues to that title but I still am able to be grateful for water, it is life sustaining and normally I love it. It has been a long time since I've seen so much water in Alberta, new lakes are springing up everywhere and many dithces resemble small ones. Seems odd to have no water to the taps at the farm and so much everywhere else. What is the message for today.
Rain, rain go away, come again in another week or two...please.
I'm sure glad Gord didn't have a valid passport or I'd be dealing with all these water issues by myself and that would not be good. Since I'm a little wet behind the ears when it comes to gutters, and wells that don't pump water, I can assure you I'd be sunk. I have decided if I can't be happy about all this I should at least be punny.
Water and weight, how do they relate? You,ve all heard of water weight, perhaps that's my issue, I'm not up though so, I'll save that for another day and another excuse. For now 15 pounds lighter and holding, I've been as wishy washy this week as you can imagine with food, obviously trying to drown my sorrows.
My Prayer: "Lord we have so much to be grateful for, water, air, food, homes, etc., thank you. You have a plan and when nothing makes sense to me, I'm refreshed knowing that your plans are always established."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day
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