Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Poisoned" Yikes!

So the last time I wrote, October 19/'s date November 6/2010.  Oh my goodness where has the time gone.  I was going to make an honest effort, okay a commitment to write at least once a week.  Oops.  That's all I've got.  Ooops.

Todays Question:  "Do your good intentions ever fail to manifest?"

No point in stating the obvious on my part.  I meant to write, I did, several times.  I had my first battle with food poisoning last weekend, was going to whine about that but didn't have the energy.  It was a long three plus days but I survived.  I will never again make the glib comment that I think I may have a touch of food poisoning...I assure it's not a touch, it's a full powered, open handed whack.  Knocked me out and I was down for the count.  Thank God for my husband who served me so well.  I had zero energy, I'm sure the throwing up every hour on the hour for ten hours is what exhausted this 52 year old body.  Can I say that my stomach muscles have never felt so toned.  :)

I really fought the urge to write when I stepped on the scale at day two of my sickness.  Lost five pounds my friends...a plus but it was so not worth it.   I knew that weight loss was temporary and completely a fluid drop.  By day three...three of those pounds were back even though  all I could eat was toast.

Another first in my life, I ate one O-Henry chocolate bar on Halloween night and that was it.'s a wonder I didn't die.  I wouldn't have beleived I could ever eat only one little chocolate bar on October 31st.  I assure you that  has never happened.  I have been doing my best to catch up with full size chocolate bars since then.  Weird how when we feel like me missed something we look for replacements.  Or maybe it's just weird how I do that.

Either way...I'm sitting at the same 13 pounds down I've been at for a couple of weeks, so that's good.  I'm struggling with the desire to eat every treat in sight.  Failing sometimes and succeeding others.  I must be imitating my horses as they try to fatten up for the winter.  Must be afraid of freezing to death or something.  I'll have to dig deeper into that mystery.  For now I have no answers...just gratitude.  I'm grateful the food poisining didn't kill me, and yes I thought I was going to die several times and was scared I wouldn't at others.  It was seriously the sickest I've ever been.  I love being healthy and I feel for those who struggle with health issues on a regular basis. 

My Prayer:  "Lord help us to rejoice in all things, especially our health and when we dont' have it help us to look to you for strength and endurance.  Thank you for the people who love us and care for us when we are sick.  Thank you for your blessings that come in many forms."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day!

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