That title is todays question and todays answer is the list of what happens at my house.
Please bear in mind that I was only down for one day, when I say down I mean I didn't have the strength to clean up after myself, or my husband.
1. Bed not made, laundry untouched.
2. Gords coffee, grinder and honey, left out until day two when I got the strength to put them
3. Kitchen counters, well lets call them crumby, sticky, papers to and fro, etc.
4. Sink, and yes I have a working dishwasher, full of dishes both in and on both sides of both sinks.
5. Stove, dirty, in so many ways I'm puzzled as to why.
6. Toaster full of crumbs and counter in front of toaster...same. (I will add my gratitude to Gord for
making me toast, it was all I could eat.)
7. The cracker mess and soup pot reminded me that he did make me a bowl of soup as welll. (So the
pot and bowl had to be soaked before I could hope to get them big deal.)
8. Back porch and front porch, bits of hay everywhere, also nicely tracked into the rest of the house.
9. Both porches full of mud, wet spots and shoes. Do any of you have a husband who can wear 4 pairs of
shoes in one day?
I could go on...but should I?
Can you imagine what my house would look like if I was sick for any length of time? I can, and I tell you people it scares me to death. I just know that within two weeks those two Brittish women who clean up big messes on TV would show up and say..."Bloody Hell!" As only the Brittish can.
Please know that I am blessed with an amazing husband who does so much for me...truly. I just wonder why such a talented man can't clean up after himself. Why? Why? Why?
The plus side of the flu....those three pounds I'd gained are now gone. Thanks to multiple trips to the lou, I'm in English mode. I've also experienced something rare...I actually thought it was instinct in appetite. For two whole days the thought of anything other than toast made me sick, crackers and soup were okay too...apart from that...blah. Even my favorite desire...none. Shocking I know. Yesterday was the first day I felt better so I said yes to a Christmas Banquet...big mistake. Couldn't resist the temptations...knew I should but didn't listen.
So today, I'm home...back to toast and soup and not much of an appetite. I add that if you got frequent flyer points for trips to and from the ladies room...I'd be on a beach somewhere.
My Prayer: "Lord I thank you for the gift of health, the blessing of a body that rejects those bugs that make us sick even if it takes some time, and I rejoice in the care I receive whether it meets my standard or not...I pray we all would."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day
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