Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh Hum.

The results are not in, I"m wavering, depending on how I stand on the scale, between 10 and 11lbs lighter.  Having mostly good days with the say no to sugar plan...I said mostly, the oatmeal cookie and a piece I ate yesterday counted.  In honesty that first one was half gone before I remembered I wasn't eating sugar, can't justify the second part try as I may...and I'm trying really hard. Who knows how the two little chocolates jumped into my mouth.

Todays Question:  "Do you ever eat something not really realizing what you are doing?"

I do this often, blindly eating away and then my brain switches on and I go, "What the heck?"  It's like I've gone into the eating zone and like a good robot, hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth.  I could go on and I assure you...I do!

How does one avoid the blank states that seem to easily find their way into a day?  I think if I could answer that question I'd be the next big diet guru to hit the best sellers list.  However, since I'm not a fan of the guru I'll just have to assume it's self-hypnosis.  If I don't know what I'm doing I'm not guilty.  Right?

I have been working hard to do more exercise, for example, got Gord to set up my exercise bike, forgot cord, went and got cord, haven't ridden bike.  Got Gord to set up my new inversion table, have been using it almost every day.  Went to Costco and bought new HD DVD player so I could do yoga, a week and a half Gord to set up new player, used it once.  Have been feeding the horses myself every day, two bales of hay spread out all over the place, they weight 70-80lbs each.  That's really work.  And last but certainly not least, went shopping bought 5 or 6 new exercise videos, watched one.  Oh Lord help me.

Sounds like Gord should be exhausted, I"m frankly tired from watchng him.  I wonder how that man who is 9 years older than me has 90 times the energy.  Oy it's work tring to figure this all out.  Are you beginning to see why I'm working so hard?

Please don't take me seriously...God knows I don't.  I am happy with my little changes, I'm also trusting they will become more than good intentions for the most part and hit the reality world I live in.

My Prayer:  "Be strengthened in your inward being with a knowlegde that change is possible if effort is added and God is always present to help."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up Jenny! You're doing great! 10-11 pounds down is much better than 5-7 pounds up like I am ;-)
    I've been exercising with my Wii Fit the past couple of days. The kids do it with me if they're not in bed. It's fun, and a lot easier than keeping up with an exercise video.
