It would appear that my new vegan lifestyle, at least for 21 days, perhaps yielding a rather slow change. No meat, not sugar, no dairy, no bread and no change in my weight. What the heck? I'm really not surprised because I've been acquainted with this body of mine for 52 years. I seem to just love to hold onto things..even fat. Pitiful. ;)
Todays Question: "Do you always get the result you expect when you make changes?"
The best example I have of this has nothing to do with weight. Years ago I was at a ladies dinner at our church. We were having a time of sharing what we'd learned and I was expressing that when my son got sick I came to realize that my house being perfect, my clothes, my hair...etc., no longer seemed so important to me. The things that consumed my day slid quickly from my mind and I focused on what had real value, my family. I was speaking for myself and referenced the story of Mary and Martha in the bible, I was chosing to do what mattered most, not neglecting those other things of course, but finding balance. I was quickly attacked by one of the other ladies as she took her turn to share, she was certain I was making a reference to her. I was shocked, and so were the other ladies at this dinner. I was gracious but I assure you I was mad.
Part Two: Next day, in my bathtub reading my bible, time to pray. God says; "Today I'm going to teach you what it means to be a peacemaker." Okay? I said. "I want you to call the lady who offended you and tell her you are sorry." I was not overly excited about that for the obvious reason...I didn't do anything wrong. I was happy to point that out to God. However, God wasn't changing His mind and so I agreed and made the call. Afterall I was learning what it meant to be a peacemaker. I quickly apologized once the lady answered the phone and she promptly told me that if I was having an issue I should ask for help. I bit my tonque and agreed. I'd made peace and I learned something very important, regardless of whether your actions yeild the result you think they will you should do all you can to do what's right. I will not pretend that I felt different about her actions but I made peace and it was easier to continue to attend church with her because I obeyed.
The result I wanted then is similar to the one I want now. I want to see change, I wanted that lady to admit she was wrong and I want my body to respond to my much healthier lighter eating. No such luck on both counts. I will to do what is best regardless of the results.
Some day this world, my body, people, myself, will all make sense. I'm certain that when that day comes, I'll be present with the Lord...until then....I press on living and learning...sometimes the easy way and sometimes the hard way. The main thing...."Get wisdom and gain is the principle thing."
My Prayer: Your Word instructs that if anyone lacks wisdom they should ask you please give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know you more.
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day
Todays Question: "Do you always get the result you expect when you make changes?"
The best example I have of this has nothing to do with weight. Years ago I was at a ladies dinner at our church. We were having a time of sharing what we'd learned and I was expressing that when my son got sick I came to realize that my house being perfect, my clothes, my hair...etc., no longer seemed so important to me. The things that consumed my day slid quickly from my mind and I focused on what had real value, my family. I was speaking for myself and referenced the story of Mary and Martha in the bible, I was chosing to do what mattered most, not neglecting those other things of course, but finding balance. I was quickly attacked by one of the other ladies as she took her turn to share, she was certain I was making a reference to her. I was shocked, and so were the other ladies at this dinner. I was gracious but I assure you I was mad.
Part Two: Next day, in my bathtub reading my bible, time to pray. God says; "Today I'm going to teach you what it means to be a peacemaker." Okay? I said. "I want you to call the lady who offended you and tell her you are sorry." I was not overly excited about that for the obvious reason...I didn't do anything wrong. I was happy to point that out to God. However, God wasn't changing His mind and so I agreed and made the call. Afterall I was learning what it meant to be a peacemaker. I quickly apologized once the lady answered the phone and she promptly told me that if I was having an issue I should ask for help. I bit my tonque and agreed. I'd made peace and I learned something very important, regardless of whether your actions yeild the result you think they will you should do all you can to do what's right. I will not pretend that I felt different about her actions but I made peace and it was easier to continue to attend church with her because I obeyed.
The result I wanted then is similar to the one I want now. I want to see change, I wanted that lady to admit she was wrong and I want my body to respond to my much healthier lighter eating. No such luck on both counts. I will to do what is best regardless of the results.
Some day this world, my body, people, myself, will all make sense. I'm certain that when that day comes, I'll be present with the Lord...until then....I press on living and learning...sometimes the easy way and sometimes the hard way. The main thing...."Get wisdom and gain is the principle thing."
My Prayer: Your Word instructs that if anyone lacks wisdom they should ask you please give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know you more.
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day
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