This morning I was going to put some stocking stuffers on the stairs when I heard the sound of my husbands footsteps. I decided that since he was up I should sneak up the stairs and wait outside our bedroom door. Why? To scare the beejeebers out of him, that's why. I stood quietly giggling for no less than five minutes. I thought he would just put on his housecoat and head downstairs, that's what he normally does, instead he got dressed, and did his morning things in my bathroom, how rude. Did he know I was waiting outside the door about to burst. Nope, I yelled, "Good morning sweetheart!", as he opened the door, jumped back and grabbed his heart. I laughed and he got that same silly look on his face he always gets after I scare him. I love that game. Never grows old. I told him I'd been standing outside the door for five minutes waiting, he asked me if it was worth it and I said, "Absolutely".
Todays Question: "Does that seem diabolical to you?"
I like the definition, "outrageously wicked", not so big on the devilish one, it isn't that bad to scare someone.
I weighed in this morning after party night and I'm very happy to report that I'm still down eleven pounds. Yay! I didn't even struggle at the party. Said no thanks when Gord brought me an extra potatoe on his plate cause he was having seconds. Didn't stay late to get dessert, didn't eat chocolate when I got home to make up for no dessert, and had an orange and a cup of tea for my snack. Yikes, what's happening to me? Don't want to speak too soon but I may be getting this eating right thing. I'm sure feeling stronger, and that's not normal for me during this season of baking and chocolates.
I am surprised to report that I even feel happy that my weight loss is slow. Not rushing to lose the weight like I have for so many years, taking one day at a time and not beating myself up when I make a wrong choice, is working. Praise God. I am certain that another reason for my slow but steady weight loss is knowing that I don't get to quit. I have no choice, even when I have bad days, I can't quit and that has been so good for me. Weird hey? No one is more surprised than I am.
I appreciate all your prayers my friends and your support during this process, knowing that other people are following me on this journey makes it so much easier to stay accountalbe.
I pray you are blessed greatly today as I feel so blessed and grateful for your help.
Love Jenny
Mwahahaha... I have tought you well.