So I think I've mastered the eleven pounds down, could we please move on. I'm speaking to my metabolism since it appears to be stuck in another one of those ruts it so loves to sit in. Wouldn't it be nice if speaking was all it took?
I have a whole new list of things to keep me active now, so that's good. I will be running from house to farm house on a regular basis until the rennos are done. Did I tell you that we inherited the farm dog with the farm house. Her name is Trixie and we love her, she looks horribly scarey because she always shows her teeth when she barks. I wouldn't get out of the car the first time we went to look at the house because I thought she'd eat me. The real estate agent assured me that she was nice. Turns out Trixie loves to smile, she is so happy to see people that she starts smiling as soon as she thinks they are driving into her yard.
Todays Question: "Are you ever pleasantly surprised to find that things are not what they appear to be?"
I sure am. We liked that silly smiling dog so much we asked if we could have her with the farm and her owner was very happy to give her to us because Trixie has been there all her life. So if you come to visit she is all bark and no bite. Her plan is to smile you to death. Don't you wish there were more people like that?
I am hoping that things are not what they appear in many areas of my life. I want to be like Trixie, smiling and happy to see anyone who God would bring across my path. I would love nothing more than to be as genuine as she is in her love for visitors. Even if people thought I was not friendly or open at first, it would be great if everything they thought of me was proved wrong by my smile. I have so much work to do on the inside and on the outside. I pray for strength to be a willing and happy participant in my life. I long to embrace a new attitutde, and a new heart. I think Trixie will be a good reminder for me that smiling and welcoming everyone is the first step.
Be blessed with a wonderful day. Remember all bite. ;)
Hello Trixie :)
ReplyDeleteJenny..that's so neat that Trixie is a smiling dog. Once..long ago when my family went skiing (I was around 12ish)we were staying in a condo (I think in Portland Oregon), skiing our regular Christmas/New Year holiday...when my younger brother "Mike" came in shouting to everyone that he had seen a dog that smiles around the complex that we were renting for that week. We all laughed so hard & had many great memories of that special dog that ski trip. My dad told that story for many years to everyone that would dare to believe him...about the day we met the black smiling dog. It was the only time I had ever seen a dog smile & showing his teeth! Such a cute sight. Now your Trixie does the same. We do use more muscles to frown than to smile...they say! Smart dog..that Trixie:) Thanks for making me remember those great days together with my family....laughing & enjoying each other's company. Can't wait to meet Trixie one day! Blessings... Love WJM