Monday, December 21, 2009

Why are you afraid?

The title is todays question and it is words that Jesus spoke to His disciples when the boat was in the storm.  We watched a wonderful message preached by Max Lucado, who is one of my favortie authors and also a gifted preacher.  He spoke about living without fear.  I needed that message. 

I have heard several message about the storm that had the disciples waking up Jesus to see if he cared.  His simple answer to that question, "Why are you afraid?"  I wish that I could sleep through storms, you know like when someone bothers you, irritates you or offends you.  It would be nice if I just slept peacefully every night like I do when there are no major concerns or issues in my life.  I find it difficult to be at peace even when someone I love or care about is having a difficult time.  Why don't I remember that I don't need to be afraid?  Why can't I see that the storm is raging but Jesus will calm it...when He's ready, not when I demmand.

I have been alive for a long time now, this blog is called fifty one pounds because that's how much weight I want to lose and that's how old I am.  It just seemed right to lose one pound for every year of my life.  You would think that all my experiences would have taught me to trust God.  I have never gone hungry, obviously.  I have never been homeless, I have never been left alone without a friend or someone who truly loves me.  Even when I chose to be alone I know with certainty that God is with me.  I have been surprised by the storms I have made it through and empowered in ways that I never imagined.  God is faithful no matter how great the storm to still it.  Sometimes it happens fast, sometimes it takes years or days.  The point is He always has a plan. 

I was reminded yesterday by that powerful message that, "Why are you afraid?", is  not a question.  It is a statement!  The only answer I can come up is because I'm a silly goose.  If I trusted Jesus to turn every storm into that still water that so calms the soul, I could live a life trusting that nothing and no one will ever be able to rob me of the peace that is offered, the kind that goes far beyond what I could ever ask for or imagine.

I love the storms, I have learned more on the other side of them than any calm waters could have taught me.  I'd be wise to remember that when I'm feeling afraid.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

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