Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gratitude The Best Attitude

This morning I weigh the same...eleven pounds down.  Remeber when I sat at 10 pounds lighter for what seemed like ever?  I do, it seems history does repeat itself.  I am working on being a more grateful person so I rejoice this beautiful Sunday morning that I have been maintaining those eleven pounds.

Todays Questions:  "Do you ever forget how blessed you are to live in such an amazing country?"

I love Canada, I've been to many other countries and I have to say I like mine the best.  I find something to like about every place I've been priviledged to go to, this world is full of beautiful places.  I expect all my international readers love their countries as much as I do.  I just wanted to express my gratitude this morning loudly and clearly...I LOVE MY COUNTRY.  I love the snow, the rain, the wind, the sunshine and the wide open spaces.  Everywhere I look I am reminded of how truly great a designer God is.  We have everything in Canada, our moutains are spectacular, our oceans are beautiful, resources abound and I really feel like we live in a land that has been blessed. Did I mention I love how clean Canada is?  I do and it is. 

Whenever I'm on a plane returning from a foreign country my favorite part about the entire flight is when the pilot tells us that we are in Canada.  My heart's a remarkable feeling.  I hope that today you ponder, even just for a moment, how truly blessed you are to live in this beautiful place.  I have been to countries where they would love to have an overeating problem.  They struggle to find food to eat period.  Canada feeds it's poor, provides for those who can't work, and sadly those who could but won't.  (I am happy the children are fed when the parents won't work.)  I am also very happy single parents are helped, what a blessing that is.  I remember living in the States for a time while Gord was working, I met so many beautiful people.  I was shocked to find out that having a baby cost thousands of dollars.  I had three baby, two were c-sections and it didn't cost me a penny.  I met a women whose dad died of a heart attack, stopped in at the hospital and got some pills and an examination only to die shortly after...the bill...$25,000 US dollars.  Yikes.

So today I'm remembering how very grateful I am that I was born in Canada. 

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

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