Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Rocks

I love Sundays!  I think that if I had to chose a favorite day of the week it would be Sunday.  I love it because it's the end of the week and that means the beginning of a new one is about to begin.  I am a big fan of new beginnings and ever since I found my way, through Jesus to a new life, I have been a huge fan of Sunday.  It's not just about church, it's more about the fact that God knew that we would need a day to rest, a day to do whatever we

Todays Question:  "How do you find your rest?"

I love to be with my kids on Sunday, it does not always work out but since they spent the first 20 plus Sundays of their lives at home with us going to church, lunch, golf, visiting, and doing pretty much whatever we felt like that was fun...oh I almost forgot napping...I love napping on Sunday, I still like being with them the most on Sunday.  It's a great day to think about what really matters, reflect on what the week past gave and to wonder about what the week ahead will bring.  Life is exciting...not always fun...but always a challenge.  I love learning and that is probably why I love life, it's all about what you learn. 

I heard a great message today, Pastor Bob is such a great preacher, reminded me today of how very much God loves me and wants a relationship with me.  I love that the creator of the universe wants me to know Him.  Since it's Sunday...I think I'll just spend some time getting to know Him better as I rest.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. YES...we love napping best on Sundays too, Jenny! We keep our Sundays for family times too. Miss Trav & Lauren, but usually find phoning each other so special on Sundays. Look forward to new beginnings & going forward with anticipation in what the Lord will do in all of us, "One day at a time"...Something I just read and that is this; "You can't turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again!" THANKS FOR BEING A SPECIAL BLESSING, JENNY! WJM
