Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"The Only Thing that Counts..."

" faith expressing itself through love."  Galatians 5:6  I love that verse because it has helped me to better understand what my role is while I'm on this earth.  Love...and that is the only evidence my faith needs.  Isn't that amazing.  I put my faith in God's son and then I do my very best, with His help, to live like him.  I'm not perfect in my loving yet, some people really annoy me, most of them are in vehicles for some weird reason.  I'm sure I'd love them if I met them somewhere other than on the road.  :)

Todays Question:  "Do you overcomplicate the simple message of love that Jesus showed us?"

I do.  I hope that when you read the words I write on this journey to shed fifty one pounds, that you always feel encouraged and loved.  I do know how hard it is to make better choices, I've struggled with it for years.  I know that fat isn't the problem tissue is.  As in brain tissue my friends, the head is the problem.  Especially mine, either I'm thinking too much or not enough.  I have this switch in my head that I can mute when needed and turn on when I'm focused.  Remarkable how it goes off when I overeat and comes back on after I'm done.  Do you think I've really switched it off or just chosen to ignore it?  I agree with you since both answers are right.

I'm still down 9 pounds and it's not bothering me because I discovered the reason when I looked at my hands yesterday and saw how tight my rings were.  Turns out I'm retaining fluid and since I'm a women that will change soon...thank God.  I'm exercising like crazy right now as we are on a big push at the farmhouse to get ready for the kitchen installation on the 1st of February.  Yay!  I feel good about how I'm eating and I don't feel deprived in any way.  That little trip to Victoria reminded me that I can have whatever I want, it's weird I know but it's good for me to remember that.  Keeps from feeling too sorry for myself.  For those of you who attended the pity party the other can happen to anyone.

I am walking this out, heading into new territory in so many ways and I'm so happy that the constant in my life is my faith.  I may wishy wash all over the place in other areas but I know that I know that God is good, I'm safe in Jesus and love is always going to reap a harvest of good matter how I feel from day to day.  Gods love for me is constant.  Now if I could just master loving myself enough I'd be cured.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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