The surgery is done and Praise God everything went wonderfully. Gord woke up as soon as I walked in and he was moving quite my suprise. I expected whining, pitiful moaning and groaning. I kissed him and he inisted I kiss him again. Said something about having really weird dreams from the drugs. I asked if he was dreaming I didn't come. He just smiled. I'm thinking that's a yes. Please note I'd have been there for every moment but those bossy nurses have rules. No visitors until 2pm, his surgery was at 11:30...he was back in his room in an hour. He was sleeping and peaceful when I arrived so I didn't have to take out any nurses for not letting me be with my husband. I can be violent, especially when it comes to protecting the people I love. Bit of a mother bear with her cubs.
I have to confess that I didn't buy him flowers, I was going too but then I saw the maple cookies...his fave...and the jalepeno Miss Vickis, the peppermints, the licorice allsorts, and the honey dipped peanuts. I had to buy them for him. The poor man was starving...remember. He was so happy when he saw the bag of goodies I bought him...suprised he didn't have a heart attack form the shock of getting that much junk from me all at once. The man in the bed beside him was pretty excited too, he actually dieted. Gord shared, I was so proud of him. Totally outside of his box to share his goodies....I think it was the drugs. By the time I left he was talking about putting his treats under lock and key. Drugs wearing off and things returning to normal.
I want you to know that I thought he'd eat those treats tomorrow after the mild anesthetic he was given wore off. Nope...he saw the cookies...ate four. Needed me to open the chips, needed some allsorts and loves the new peanuts. He didn't eat any peppermints...the man has such control. He was a very happy man after he finished the ginger-ale I had to get for him and his roommate. Now both the patients were full of goodies and ready for sleep, Gord will call me tonight before I'm allowed back at 7pm. He is concerned because the supper last night was a quiche and a salad, he thought that was the appetizer, he was rather concerned that tonights supper might be the same. He told me he'd call me and I may need to bring him a sub. He's definetly not over the "dieting" yet.
I want to thank you my friends for your prayers, I feel so blessed and I know Gord does too to have praying friends who love us and support us when we need it...and...even when we don't. We are blessed beyond measure and grateful to God for our family and our friends. I love that man and I'm so grateful God answered all our prayers. I mean really...where would I get material like Gord gives me for my blog. He is the joy, the frustration, the irritant, the best blessing, my best friend, makes me madder than anyone else can and makes me happier too, spoils me rotten and keeps me real. He's amazing and I feel priveledged to call him my husband.
Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.
I am so GRATEFUL. :)
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