Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Love Isn't

I didn't want to make the obvious list of what love is on Valentines Day, I'd rather state what isn't.  I'm weird like that.  Let me first say Happy Valentines Day to you all and I pray that you would know all kinds of love and never restrict that to just the love between couples.  Love is not bound or limited in any way...thank God.

Todays Question:  "Do you feel like you are more loved on Valentines Day than any other day of the week?"

I sure don't and I hope you don't either.  I note one difference as a married woman, my husband always says, "Happy Valentines Day sweetheart."  Then he kisses me and says; "I don't have a mustache to kiss you with anymore."  Our first kiss was 31 years ago on Valentines Day and he'd just come in from outside and the mustache he had then was a little frozen.  I'm sure love isn't repeating yourself for me but I'm equally as sure it is for Gord.

Aside from that comment, the kiss, gifts a card or whatever Gord does from Valentines Day to Valentines Day, I find that the day feels no different.  I no longer need him to make such a big fuss about the day because I have learned that love isn't about what he does on one day but about what he does all year long. 
Love could never be fully expressed in one day.  I also know that love isn't gifts, cards, flowers, chocolates (it was a little hard to write that one) or even fabulous vacations.  I like all those things but they are not love. 

Love isn't giving something material to get something back.  Do you remember those Valentines cards everyone gave out in school.  It was a contest to see who got the most, no one called it that but that's how I saw it.  I got lots of cards but I always felt sorry for the people who only got the one the teacher gave out.  It made me feel so sad for them. When my kids came along I made sure I bought them enough cards to give to everyone in their class.  We can and should teach our kids to think about others.  I wonder if elementary school is where the programming for Valentines Day began.  Way too many kids felt left out on Valentines Day and way too many men and women who don't have a significant other feel left out now.  Love isn't leaving people out or making them feel less important on any day of the week.

Don't get me wrong I'm not a Valentines Day hater, I just wish that we could express our love to everyone in equal measure.  It's not a day for couples it's a day for lovers and I'm a lover of so many people.  Love isn't restricted to husbands or children, or friends for that matter.  I love Gods creation, I love horses, I love sunshine, clouds, rain, snow, cold (I'm an Albertan), I love condos in the moutains and farmhouses, etc.  I'm a lover people. 

So today lets celebrate Valentines Day for what it isn't.  It isn't a day for is a day for all.  We are all loved and all valued.  God is love and I pray we would all learn to love like He does...perfectly and without condition.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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