Today I'm going to look for new furniture...what fun. I feel like since I'm beginning so many new phases in my life, eating better, exercise, moving to an acreage, etc., I don't want to bring the old furniture into the new house. I seem to really want change. That's odd for me because I'm such a creature of habit and I thought I loved things that stayed the same. Turns out I'm looking forward to changes and when I felt led to buy this old farmhouse I knew changes were coming and I was afraid. I spent a great deal of time resisting the change I wanted, even to the point of asking Gord if it was okay if we didn't move after we finished the rennos and sold the farmhouse. He didn't like that, but he understood and told me reluctantly that we could.
Todays Question: "How many of you want the choice to keep things the same and then decide to go with the change anyway?"
That would be me. I just wanted to know I didn't have to move if I didn't want to. Once Gord told me it was okay, even if he wasn't happy with that and his face was saying oh please God no, in a few days I was adapting. It's funny how I felt an instant sense of release and I was no longer fighting with my thoughts every night. If we moved great, if we didn't great. I truly love both of my homes, I fear that if I wasn't practical (most of the time) I'd keep them both. You know, have the city house and my country house. Okay they are minutes away from each other but think of the gas I'd be saving while paying double everything else. :) I now find myself looking forward to the move. I want a fresh start in a new/old house surrounded by beautiful trees, I want to make new memories with the people I love. I want to start living again, not that I died or anything, although there have been days when I've felt like it, I just forgot how much I'd loved being outside. I was raised on acreages, always had horses and lots of fresh air, pets and space. I could run around the yard, lay in the yard with no one passing by, find quiet places to reflect and never ran out of things to do. I guess we do go back to our roots. I'm no farmer my friends, I do however love having space, privacy and horses around me. Add to that the people I love and I'm a very happy girl.
I'm really surprised that I not only want to change where I live and my lifestyle but I don't even want the same style of furniture I've always liked. Oh it has to be comfy but for some reason I want the decorations in this home to be totatlly different than the styles I've always had. For those of you who have seen the befores and afters of my kitchen, I went with white, not me normally, but love it, it's so elegant and clean. I guess that being over fifty makes you really focus on what you want and love. I told Gord when we were deciding to buy the farmhouse that I truly felt like it was now or never for one more shot at acreage life. Neither one of us are getting any younger. He agreed, so for the next decade or so...God willing...we are going to embrace this change and enjoy what I'm very certain will be our last acreage. Unless I win the lottery, unlikely since I don't buy tickets, and then we'll hire young people to push us around the mini farm and bury us under one of the beautiful trees that surround us when we are old and Gord is gray. (I'll still be coloring my hair people, the face will age, the hair will be flawless.) It's fun to dream and I'm reluctant to admit but also fun to make changes.
Be blessed With a Wonderful Day.
My Prayer: "God help us to embrace change and to enjoy all the days you give us under the sun."
This is sooo good Jenny! Love the fact that you & Gord are going to be in the Country, having a Country life together just like us:) Change will be good & you'll see so many new & exciting adventures with all what's in store. Can't wait until we can compare our Country Notes together...Love you & love your prayer; WJM