Yesterday was a full day of analyzing, that does make this analytical mind happy, it also makes it very tired. I do my counseling every Tuesday and as the word gets out it's getting busier and busier. I started early and ended late. After seeing six people I had nothing left, but like so many women I needed to find more because I still had more to do. By the time I got home it was 8:45pm and I was wiped out. Normally when I'm overly tired I start feeding, last night I did not. I guess all that counseling reminded me of some basic truths, the most important, I dont' have to eat to feel rested, I just need to rest. And, if I do eat, it does not have to be junk, I had an orange because I had a hot dog for supper. Ok not the most healthy choice, but when my other options were greasy pizza or french fries, I think I did good. After folding some clothes and putting them away, unloading groceries and making tea, I sat in my chair and took a much needed...load off.
Todays Question: "Have you ever really thought about what it means to take a load off?"
In light of your newfound revelation of my overly active mind, you may have guessed my answer is yes. I love God's promise to carry my load, I love friends who listen and often share the load. I love husbands who have a built in desire to unload your load, even though all we really want is for them to listen. I find their desire to fix everything quite wonderful, most of the time. At the end of a long day it's nice to know that you have the choice to just let all that you've heard, seen and done....go. I can help direct people and do my part but at the end of the day they have to make the choice to let those things that are binding them go. Only they can unload and although I wish I could help and I desire to help them I cannot by my good intentions make their load lighter if they refuse to put it down.
Speaking of lighter, no change, I'm still at a twelve pound loss pushing eleven, mostly because I sat on my butt counseling from 11am to 5:45pm. Please note that I exercised in between clients, mall walking is good exercise. I only bought something in one store, the rest of the time I walked. It is not my fault they put a Winners in West Edmonton Mall, I had to go in.
I pray that you release the loads you are carrying, give them to God, He is way more capable of working them out than you will ever be. I know we have a part to do in that work, but the worry and burden you feel can be released and replaced with trust, not only in God but in the abilities you have received to work things out, which is just another way of putting it down.
Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.
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