Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Twelve Pound Rut

That would be a decent sized rut wouldn't it?  I appear to have driven into one, not with my car, but with my progress in becoming fifty one pounds lighter.  I know the chocolate almonds and cupcakes are not helping.  Tessa wouldn't let me buy any yesterday, I had to walk past Purdy's, isn't that sin?  I was certain it was a sign since I didn't know it was there. She guilted me into not going in.  Something about eating chocolate in front of her when she couldn't have it.  How rude.

Todays Question:  "Do you think that chocolate is addictive?"

I sure do.  I don't normally care if I eat it or not, but ever since our trip to Toronto and those 3 or 4 little clusters became my comfort food while Gord recovered from his surgery.  I just want chocolate every day and resistance seems to be futile.  I ate so well yesterday, alright thanks to Tessa, then Gord was driving back from the farm and I needed a chocolate bar, he is so much easier to manipulate that Tessa, especially since he has a horribly sweet tooth.  I said I'd share a bar with him, he said no way I'm getting my own.  See what I mean?  So my evening snack, which is usually a small piece of whole grain toast with a little peanut butter, or a piece of fruit, turned into a Crispy Crunch.  I wish I could tell you I loved every bite, I didn't find it that good at all.  Chocolate almonds from Purdys are way better.  But I still ate it.  Could somebody please tell me why I?  I thought I'd stopped that.

Repetition seems to be the pattern that cuts a clear path to self sabatoge.  I'm going to have to take drastic measures.  I may need to add a "I ate chocolate today." confessional to my blog or a "I did not give in to chocolate." praise report.  How sad is that, I'm so weak.

My period of Lent has been about making an effort.  I try to imagine the amount of effort it must have taken Jesus not to come off that cross and zap the soldiers who mocked and spit on him.  I can't imagine having the power to destroy people, who come againist you violently and without cause, and not exercising it.  My efforts are so pitiful in comparison and yet God would have me overcome in any area that binds me, he endured all of that suffering for me, for all.  Poor Jenny has to get off the chocolate.  Okay  I'm pitiful...I admit it.

I think I'll take a break from chocolate until Easter and the next time I eat it...I'll remember to be like Jesus...just because I have the power to do something, doesn't mean I should. 

My Prayer:  Lord help us not to be slaves to anything and help us all to overcome in areas where it's easier to give in than it is to resist.  We are so grateful you never gave in to temptation.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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