Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boiling Point

I have noticed, since crossing the 50 marker, that my boiling point has changed.  I have a feeling my husband has noticed that as well.  I'm not as calm as I once was in my responses when someone/thing happens to push the wrong buttons.  Where once I would brush off silly little comments, as silly, I now appear to have taken on the role of Corrections Officier.  I'm not saying I don't like the role, I'm just not sure that Gord, or anyone else who hits that point does.  I mentioned things because sometimes inatimate objects send me over the edge.  I'm inclined as of late to kick the door that bangs my arm, not hard of course, I didn't say I'd taken the job of villiage idiot.  :) 

Todays Question:  "Did you think that with age came this sense of calm?"

I did.  I saw older people as laid back, relaxed, not worried about anything or anyone.  They get to things in their time, not in a hurry, you know, "I got all day."  I'm hoping that my problem is I'm still too young for that, I'm hoping.  I'm a little concerned that I may be the inspiration for the new movie, Grumpy Old Woman and the sequel, Grumpy Old Woman Gone Mad.  Or maybe I just need more sleep.  I was the laughing Queen yesterday, what a difference a day makes. 

In spite of these new, and not always desirable traits, I seem to be changing yet again.  I'm not sure that I'm against this change as I really think I put up with way too much when I was younger.  The key now is to find the balance and to remember that my life scripture is..."Speak the truth in love."  Not easy when you are kicking a door for banging your arm.  Even harder when your husband says something stupid and you can no longer ignore it.  Not saying I don't say stupid things, I'm just way nicer to myself, I'm with me 24-7 okay?  I still need work on my presentation, something our Tessa taught her dad and I a long time ago.  Our point was valid she would state, but our presentation sucked.  Well, when the kids right, the kids right.  It would appear that working on presentation is a day to day choice.  Tessa likely knew that. 

One thing I truly love about being older is that you do finally figure yourself out, so hang in there young ladies.  You gain confidence and you realize what hills you will or won't die on.  Stand and fight regardless of what others may think, or walk away.  I like that.  When it's a fight you dont' have to fight dirty, you don't have to be rude, there are issues that need to be addressed and things that need to be said, so say them nicely.  I know way too many people who don't say the things that need to be my sorry...I was wrong, etc.  I'm not a fan of admitting when I'm wrong, mostly because I don't like being wrong, but when I've done wrong/am wrong I apologize and move foward.  If it's my bad I admit it cause it will drive me crazy until I do. Life is too short to be boiling over all the time.

My Prayer:  "Help us Lord to reset those easy to boil points.  Let us learn to turn the burner off and breathe when silly things irritate us.  Help us all to speak truth with abundant love in the same way you always correct us with love.  Remind us that love truly covers a multitude of sins, especially our own.  Thanks for that Jesus, help us to love more completely and without condition.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Sunday.

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