Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Get Why God Rested

I find myself wearing out, wondering where a weekend goes, amazed that my life seems to have gone into overdrive and although I'm holding the wheel I don't seem to be driving.  I know that I make the choices to go do the things that must be done, I just can't believe how much needs to be done.  I feel like I'm at Disneyland on a rollar coaster and I'm screaming, "Stop the ride I want to get off!!!", but nobody is listening.  I wish I had someone to blame, other than myself, but I'm the ninny who wanted to buy a farmhouse, have horses, renno, etc. 

Todays Question:  "Do you ever wonder why some things seem like such good the time?"

It sounds so cool to say we are doing a renno on a 1932 farmhouse.  Oh I feel like a regular Sarah Richardson when I say that, I even have the amazing assistants whose design skills are fabulous, thanks Tessa and Lucie.  I also have a handsome carpenter, and I don't have to dream he's mine cause this one is...thanks Gord.  I get to be the carpenters assistant, not all it's cracked up to be, however I do like the end result of all that painting and cleaning.  The more we do, the more we think we need to do.  Sounds like a lifestyle change doesn't it. 

This process of redesigning the farmhouse resembles, in more ways than I care to admit, the process of shedding fifty one pounds.  The foundation is solid, the exterior is good, the inside needs some major adjustments.  If you think I made a mistake when I said the exterior is good, I didn't.  My weight loss is not an exterior problem, it's all interior my friends.  We see the outside and think it's the problem, rest assured the fat is on the inside, the mental issues that make you hold that fat are the problem.  Food goes into the body, exercise is an inward thing, you cannot clearly see those muscles moving, you can certainly feel them once you start moving.  Your brain has to send signals for everything you do, you know it's happening but you don't see it.  Fat is and always will be an interior job.  Once conquered you will see the exterior result.  That is why I keep doing my job at the farm and that is why I keep making better choices to eat right and move more, I really don't like the word exercise.  Reminds me of exorcism, I'll let you decide why.  :)

The need for rest is strong today, I may have to have a Sunday nap, no trips to the mall, the hardware store, the furniture store, Home Sense or Winners today.  My beautiful daughter and her handsome husband are cooking dinner for us tonight and that is very nice, I'll ride my horse bareback this afternoon, since I've discovered I like that better, and then I'm going to sit lots and get rested.  I love Sundays. 

My Prayer:  "Help us all to remember that we need to rest, You set apart a day for us to refresh, restore, rebuild and regroup, and I'm so glad You did.  I think sometimes we forget that and then one day blends into another, remind us that Your command to rest was a gift for our benefit.  I'm so glad you know what we need, help us to listen."

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

1 comment:

  1. "ONE day at a time....ONE task at a time" a great motto to have. It's difficult at times tho' to have this mentality when there are so many things that cry out for our attention. Do what you must do, then take time for the things that relax & revive you:) Thinking of you, my fellow farm-girl! HUGS - WJM
