I'm certain that you all know by now that you are reading the blog of a woman who is very much in love with Jesus. No surprises, no denials or lying in that regard, I do realize there are surprises, denials and stretching of the truth, sounds better than lying, when it comes to food and how little or how much of it I consume. Telling you Tessa made cupcakes and I had some is way easier to write than, I had two cupcakes for breakfast and two for supper, ok three but I'm sure Zayin got most of the third one. Did I mention I licked all the icing that had flowed over into the trays? How'd I miss that? Just illustrating for you what I mean when I say stretching the truth. I'm telling you it's not my fault those Bite Me cupcakes are harder for me to resist than Purdys Chocolates. Was that a lie?
Todays Question: "Do you ever minimize your guilt to make yourself look better?"
I wish I could say I don't but there are times when I do. It is Good Friday and for years I've struggled with calling it by it's name. It couldn't have been such a good day for Jesus, he minimized our guilt and didn't care what other people thought or did to him. He paid the price for my sin and yours. It is Good Friday for me, that's for sure, but Jesus? I will spend the majority of the day, as I have for the past couple leading up to today, having a little battle in my mind, it's good for me, was it good for Him, it's such good news for all and such a huge burden to bear for Jesus. And back and forth my mind will go. I know Good Friday had to happen, I know it and I'm grateful for it. I just cannot wrap my head around having the power to come down from that cross and zap all the people condeming and abusing you, and choosing to stay put and die for them instead. I tell you if it had been me I'd have done it movie style I'm sure, bad guys seem to be winning, the hero is in big trouble with no possible way out and then bamm...he/she musters up his last bit of strength and then zamm zip and zowie, like Batman used to say, those bad guys are toast. We all cheer even though we know the hero can't die cause it would have ruined the movie. We want a victory that can be explained, we want the all powerful to exercise his power and teach those villians a lesson. And the one and only all powerful One...let's them kill him.
Why? One reason and one reason only. He loves them. Yep...every single one of them, the ones who spit in his face and slapped him. The ones who forced a crown of thorns on his head, the ones who mocked him, the ones who whipped him and tore his back to shreds, the ones who watched giving approval to all his suffering, the ones who lied about him, the ones who denied he was the Son of God, the ones who nailed him to the cross, the ones who are gluttons, liars, thiefs, bullies, gossips, murderers, cheaters, haters...etc. He loved them. And on that Cross He showed us so clearly that the power of love is greater than the power of Evil. He showed us how to gain victory over our enemies...love them.
I cannot even pretend to have mastered this ability to love the people who do me wrong. I want the hero solution...zap them now God you have the power. Until I'm looking for mercy because I've done something wrong myself. Then I'm pleading, patience Lord, please be patient with me. Mercy Lord, I'm working on it, mercy please. One standard for Jenny Lord and another for others please. Hypocrite!
It took God himself coming in human form, Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit...God himself...three in one, to conquer this evil that is present in all of us. Once and for all through Jesus. He paid the price and it is finished. One sacrifice for all. Good Friday is good because that death proved once and for all that the good...in Good Friday...is and always has been....GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Prayer: Help us Lord to love like you do.
Be blessed with a Wonderful Day
Good word Jenny. I like it. :)