Friday, August 13, 2010

Be Careful How you Pray.

So yesterday I said it was move in day, then the rain came, I was thinking God was giving me more time. Turns out, he was planning, you know going ahead of me and preparing my way. Something I prayed at the end of yesterday's blog. I was very happy to be getting a couple extra days, loved that while it rained I could cry and mourn and get over having to leave my beautiful city house. Then the phone rang.

Today's Question: "Who invented phones and why do we answer them?"

Plans changed for our company, Gord's mom and Ed are down for the annual summer visit, happy to see them, but wait...where are they going to sleep, we only have a single bed left at our city house. I thought about it, but decided it would be wrong. So sacrificed my big king sized, very comfy bed for them, it was the right thing to do, and left for the farm house at bed time and spent our first night in the guest room, in a queen sized bed. It was fun, I'm fine and I like being here. God is so pushy sometimes, but also so awesome. I mentioned I get comfortable and don't like to move, He planned, went ahead of me, prepared my way, answered my prayers, oh why? :) I wanted to stay two more rainy days but off we went. I could have slept on the couches in the living room. I can be that stubborn.

I liked the sound of rain this morning outside the open window, I wasn't bothered when Trixie woke me up barking, she's on patrol and it was short, slept well, love looking down the hall at my beautiful kitchen cupboards, love that I'm going to put on my rubber boots, go snuggle with kitties and feed my horses before I head back to the city house to visit our company. I'll take more pillows with me tonight, I had to sleep with only two, yikes, nomrally we have six in our bed, I missed them. It was the right answer to my prayers, the time had come and...

...the comfort girl got pushed to move, she went, she also learned that God remains as faithful as He always has been, great...great...great is His faithfulness my friends. He is new every morning and I love that, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and I love that. He is gentle and His pushes are always good for me. Thank you so much Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

My Prayer: "May you be pushed gently when needed, secure in His love for you always and assured that His plans for you are always way better than your own."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

I'm off to slop the pigs, feed the chickens and rustle the cows...kidding.

1 comment:

  1. Good post today Jenny. I'm glad that you made the move and even (*gasp*) LIKED it! Haha! Your guest room is pretty wonderful, so even without your own bed, it is a good place to start.

    Isn't it good He's so faithful. :)

