So 52 has shown itself and the title of my blog no longer fits, however, I think I'm going to continue as a now 52 year old who wants to lose 51 pounds. No way I'm adding another pound, I could be writing for 3 extra months to lose another pound at the rate I'm going. I am happy to be 17 pounds lighter at 52 as opposed to the increase in weight that I'd usually see from year to year.
Todays Question: "Do any of you remember trying to lose weight before you turned...whatever age?"
I did that for so many years. Saw myself as a failure when the day would come and I hadn't lost the weight. So silly! Now at 52 I look back and wonder if I've grown, improved or changed in significant ways that will change me as a person. Ways that are lasting and have a positive impact on the people around me. Ways that truly matter. Not saying that weight does not matter because I sure know it does, my quality of life has improved because I'm feeling better lighter. This now 52 year old body is not complaining as much as that 51 year old model did that's for sure. I know that dropping more weight will continue to improve my health. So I get the importance of taking care of my physical self, I'm just saying that when the marker for a years passing comes so should some questions. Am I a better, kinder more loving person? Have I changed in the areas where I know I need too? Have I made improvements or did I waste another year doing the same old things expecting some amazingly different result?
Life can force us to change or we can change ourselves, I'd really rather not face those or so hard lessons because I'm too stubborn to listen to the little nudges that speak to my need for improvement. I'd rather weed out my own flaws at a comfortable pace than have some circumstance rip them out by the root.
My advice for you beautifuls at 52...pull up your own weeds, attack those roots with the same force you dive into your birthday cake and presents. Look honestly at yourself, be loving, and then gently but aggressively change the unloveliness in your life. God is patient and He is kind, however, He loves us enough not to let us remain unchanged.
My Prayer: "May each year that passes Lord remind us of how faithful you are to work in us. Find us willing to change and to grow into the men/women you have created us to be. Things do happen beyond our control Lord and we trust You, help us to see when the things that are happening to us are caused by us and help us to grow."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Year
Happy birthday! You're doing great with your 17 pounds!