Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weird...So Weird!

Here I sit in my new farmhouse, loving it, yep in spite of all the emotions I still have over the move, I feel good being here and it does feel right. Here is the weird, part. I do not walk into this house and start looking for food, I don't open the fridge door the minute I walk in, in fact I think the last time I opened the fridge was to get a drink of mineral water and that was it. This house does not seem to be about food.

Todays Question: "How did that happen and what's the difference?"

I need to figure that out. It would appear that food is slowly, I repeat, slowly taking the place it should in my life. It's no longer king of my universe, it is becoming fuel for my body, I still enjoy it, not giving it up, had french fries and chicken tenders at the movie last night with Christan, so don't panic, there is nothing wrong with me. I just seem to be finding the balance I've lacked for so many years and that is remarkable to me. I am still 17 lbs lighter and didn't even care when I went to step on the scale this morning. I knew I would be fine, regardless of what it said. Once again....WEIRD!!!

Digging a little would appear that moving forward is good, letting go is hard, but also good. I am learning that change is good, even though it happens when nothing seems wrong. Weird! I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to be so loved by so many people and to have so many freinds. I am enjoying this ride that is my life right now in spite of the hills and valleys. I'm not getting off...although I realize it may have looked like I was going to bail several times. I'm still in the boat, or did I dare to step out and walk on the water? ;)

My Prayer: "Lord help us to keep walking when we are tired of the journey, remind us that our final destination will clear up all the cobwebs that have formed in our minds. Teach us that it is better to take the journey one step at a time...trusting once again that you have gone ahead of us."

Life truly is a series of footsteps.

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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