Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Certain it Was Love

Yesterday after a very strenuous counseling day I came home to rest.  I decided that since my wonderful husband had cooked a nice roast chicken dinner with lots of leftovers, I would make us a nice big pot of soup, before I flopped.  So I did.   I was finished and way past ready to sit in my chair and relax.  I poured myself a very healthy and low calorie glass of S. Pelligrino and added some Achai juice to it for flavour.  I was putting that juice back when I spotted a tiny bit of gold wrap peeking out from the shelf.  What is that?  I hardly had time to ask before the answer came, I recognized that wrap, I pulled it out and it was exactly what I thought...half a pack of Rolos.  Oh my goodness...and I mean that. 

Todays Question:  "Do you ever think that finding an unexpected treat is love?"

I do.  Instantly I started singing the song, "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me?"  And that half a pack of Rolos did not disappoint.  I know it was counseling Tuesday yesterday and not sugar Sunday, but seriously I needed that treat after the 2 hour session I had.  I took those Rolos carefully to my chair, after throwing one into my mouth while saying outloud, "I know, but I'm eating them anyway."  And eat them I did, okay savour them I did, all comfy and so happy in my chair.  Yummy.

Now perhaps you might be thinking, like I was, boy she is pitiful.  But, I can honestly tell you that I will never be that person who finds a hidden stash of Rolos, or any treat I love for that matter, and does not willingly fall into it.  Remember that I didn't buy those Rolos, they were Gords.  He assures me he didn't hide them he just ate half a pack and put the rest away for later.  That disturbs me on two levels, first he didn't offer to buy me a pack.  In his defense, maybe because our history has shown that I'd ask him why he did that when he knows I"m watching what I eat, and then after complaining I eat whatever he brought me anyway.  We won't even go into how annoyed I can get if he doesn't buy me something when he gets something for himself.  And second, who can only eat a half a pack of Rolos if they have a whole one?  Seriously, if I'd have found the full pack I can assure it would be gone.

"What's love got to do with this?"  You and Tina Turner may be asking.  Well, some treats I love, seriously.  Rolos are one of them.  Other treats I enjoy but I have no problem walking away from.  My daughter makes the best Chocolate cupcakes with coconut icing in the world, again...I refuse to resist.  You see I can deny myself, it's true and not a problem 97% of the time.  But when there is a love factor, the truth seems to fly out the window, or down my throat in this case.  So what do I do?  I avoid those items like the plaque.  I don't buy Rolos because I know I'll eat them, I don't buy those Wherthers Chocolate bags of goodness either, I can eat the whole bag in one them too.  I do not keep Salt and Viniger chips in this house...too tempting.  I will not buy what I cannot just seems smart to me.

My point, success is something you have to set yourself up for and little surprises are something you should just enjoy.  Although I was very tempted to run out and find more Rolos I resisted and I will continue too.  Until it's sugar Sunday and then I will have my one yummy treat.  Surprise treats happen once in a while and they are fabulous and I enjoy them without remorse.  That is a huge change for me.  It happened, it was not planned and I'm certain that it was love because it made me feel so much better.  :)

My Prayer:  "Thank you Lord for little surprises in the many forms they come in.  Thank you for blessings that come from others...sometimes without their knowledge."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day 

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