Friday, June 4, 2010

It Goes Without Saying

Todays Question:  "Have who ever heard the above expression, "It goes without saying?"

I have, way too many times and last night I decided that I do not like it...and I'm intentionally saying so.  So there.  It has been one of my husbands long time favorites and after thirty one years of hearing it in various contexts, from time to time, I have let him know that I don't like it one little bit.  I'd say I hate it but...that goes without saying.  Arrrgh.

For the record I'm not mad at Gord, I just realized last night that when he uses that expression it usually has to do with something I do that he should appreciate.  For instance, I want my not so complimentary husbands opinion on my outfit, or my newly done hair,  I get the standard, "You always look good babe, that goes without saying."  When I want him to know there are things I've done well throughout our relationship I get the, "Dear, that goes without saying." 

I'm of the opinion...wait...I have a very big attitude about this expression.  What the heck is wrong with saying the positive things you think about people?  Why on earth don't people say what they appreciate or see that is good in others?  Oh and why don't people go without saying the things they don't like as readily.  I've been told several things over the course of my life that should have gone without saying.  This stupid saying only ever seems to be used to avoid complimenting or praising someone for a job well done. 

You know what I think....?  I think we should abolish this expression and start saying what we think and appreciate about others.  I think the things that have gone without being said, need to be said and not taken for granted simply because someone has been doing them well.  Wouldn't this world be a very nice place if everyone said the good things they thought about someone or something that makes their life better.  I love my friends, dishwashers are amazing, my husband is so good to me, my house is beautiful, my body is amazing.  I wasn't going to write that last one and then I remembered it functions very effectively in spite of my abuses.  You get my point....

Are you slow to compliment and quick to criticize? 

Here's a perfect example for you.  I have lost 16 pounds and I was complaining about the nine months it's taken to a friend.  I said, "Man I've only delivered a 16 pound baby in nine months!"  And then it hit me, that's not one baby it's two.  Most babies are around 8lbs we decided and I delivered two in 9 months.  Good for me.  Slow to compliment quick to criticize...I'm hardest on myself.

My Prayer:  "Lord help us to be encouraging, to compliment and to hold our toungues in an effort to tame them.  Help us to concentrate on what is lovely and true about others and ourselves, and remind us that people need to be built up and the tool for that job is words.  Kind words of encouragement that must be spoken to have an empact."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day 

1 comment:

  1. You've lost 16 pounds, and is an amazing feet. It's awesome, it's excellent, it's wonderful!

    And that momentum is going to help carry you through the rest of the way!!

    Criticism breeds contempt, and we should be lavish with our praises of each other. You keep up the awesome work. I'll be praying for you!

    If I can help stop by, I'd love to be of service.
