Friday, June 25, 2010

Never Say You're Bored

I'm reflecting this morning, due in large part to the fact that my husband and I are going to be shoveling rock soon.  We have to tidy up the outside of the house for sale because the previous gravel, brought in by the previous owner, some 15 years ago, has slowly left the property.  Maybe we were a bit abusive, not sweeping it up after the rain would wash small portions down the road.  Maybe we didn't care about the rock, maybe we didn't even think about it for these past 15 years.  Maybe we are only thinking about the rock that left now because we have to get new rock. 

Todays Question:  "Are you wondering what I'm reflecting about since I got sidetracked by my rock abondonment issues?"

I'm ready to focus now.  When I was young there were two things you didn't do, I'm sure there were more than two but these two are burned in my brain.  Number one, lie to my dad.  Yikes big trouble.  Number two, tell my mother you were bored.  Oh my goodness, I'd rather lie to my dad, not something I did, he's scarey.  (Disclaimer:  Until I became a teenager and discovered he could be fooled.)  If any of us said we were bored our mother would send us outside to pick rocks from the side of our eleven acres. She'd be hollering; "You're bored, I'll give you more to do after you've finished picking rocks if you're still bored."  Grumble, grumble..."Bored".  If we whined about the rock picking we could go pick weeds from her 1 acre garden.  That is probably why I hate weeding.  I learned really quickly not to say the word bored within a 50 foot radius of my mother.  I guess that's why I'm reflecting.  I don't have to pick rocks but I have to help Gord shovel them. I feel like I've done something wrong and I'm being punished.  I know I never said I was bored.

You should know that Gord is not making me help him, I volunteered.  I know...what is wrong with me?  Perhaps I was thinking it would be good exercise.  Perhaps I considered how hard he's working to make this house nice so we can move into the other one, he's also been working hard on so we can move into it when this one sells.  Or maybe because I wanted him to do this job I feel like I should help.  Normally when I say we should do something, I totally mean Gord.  Why did I notice the lack of rock, I never cared before.  Oh and one more question...why do we care more about how our house looks when we go to sell it than we do when we live in it?  What does that mean?

Obviously today I am full of questions.  Probably just trying to avoid the obvious, it's time to go shovel rocks....hope I don't get bored.  :)

My Prayer:  "Lord help me to notice the things that are slipping away in my life, before it's too late.  I really do feel so blessed and am so grateful for all the beautiful things in my life.  Bless us all Lord and help us to appreciate what we have before it's gone."

Have an Absolutley Wonderful Day.

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