This mornings blog is different, maybe because I don't want to believe the lie that I can't lose fifty one pounds, maybe because I see so many people struggle with lies people have told them that they have held as truth. There are truths in life that cannot be changed, however, make sure what you believe about yourself is really true....there is a very real enemy and he is one big fat liar 100% of the time.
“The Ugly Toad”
Happy little Tessa skipping down the road stopped by the water and saw an ugly toad.
She never could imagine such an ugly thing to make, couldn’t quite understand it, for the
Toad’s sake.
“Why are you so ugly?” She simply asked of him.
“Oh silly girl.” He lifted up his chin. “Isn’t this so funny, odd I tell you true, I was
sitting here thinking the very same thing about you! You’re a funny little girl with lots of
yellow hair and with that nose and that short little “tongue,” can you catch a fly, I’d say
no, not even one.
“Oh my, no toad, I don’t catch flies, why would I want to…why, why, why? You really
don’t see well with your big buggy eyes. I am so pretty, daddy says it’s true…I don’t
look anything like you.
“Oh no little girl I see very well, if you were not so close to the sky,
you’d be able to tell. You, silly girl, are very, very tall…I see no advantage to that at all.”
“You silly toad, you’re really odd, you must have fallen off your log. I'm a pretty girl I
can walk and run. But you’re just a toad, how can you have fun?”
“Oh little girl you cannot see. Did your brain flip over while you hung from a tree? I can
hop, swim and croak and really, little girl this is no joke, I’ve seen the lake and passed by
boats. I have discovered what really floats. The fish in the pond have seen me play, they
wish they were me…or so say they say!”
Tessa thought for a moment, why is this toad so glad, when people pick on me I get
really mad? Why doesn’t he hop off when I poke fun at him…that’s what I do, it makes
me feel so grim. This talking toad doesn’t give an inch, he isn’t bugged by what I say,
and he hasn’t even flinched.
Okay, I think I know, here is what I’ll do, I’m going to ask this toad, “Hey what is up
with you? Listen mister toad I need to know right now, when I said you were ugly
why didn’t you have a cow? Why don’t you cry and get all upset….I was mean to
you….What part of insulting don’t you get?”
Silly little girl, you missed a part; you need to let this go deep into your heart. This is a
truth that will help you and take away your pain, if you listen little girl you will never be
the same.
People pass me by each and everyday they say mean things all along the way. When I
was a young toad I used to run and cry…but my mommy is wise and she told me
something very sly.
Listen closely little girl and this will help you out. Even if you don’t believe me I won’t
pout. I’ll tell you wise words and words that will help…so you’d better remember and
you’d better not doubt. People always have opinions and they say things that are cruel,
but what my mommy told me was “totally” cool.
Tessa got impatient and she began to yell….”Tell me; tell me toad for goodness’ sake.
Don’t you know that my life’s at stake? Spit it out and I won’t be mad, if it helps me I’ll
be glad.”
“All right, all right, here it is for you. This is what my mommy said when I was feeling
blue. It changed me and it can change you.”
The toad sat up straight….
held up his head….
looked right at Tessa and this is what He said…
“You said I was ugly and others have too….but my mommy says….
It’s only true….if I believe you!”
Tessa paused for a moment, stopped feeling blue, looked at the toad and then she
Never again would bullies make her cry by saying mean things or calling her four
eyes…Never again would she believe a lie….Mister toad had spoken words that were
true and Tessa let the truth go deep into her heart….from that day forward…mean
words did not tear her world apart..
Jenny Mernickle © 03/02/02
Todays Question: How many lies do you beleive about yourself and how many of them came from the words of someone other than yourself?"
Please spend a little time and ask yourself, what are the lies I beleive.
My Prayer: "Lord help us to walk in truth and to remember that we can..."do all thing through Christ who gives us strength"...and the truth is....YOU LOVE US WITHOUT CONDITION AND HAVE AMAZING PLANS FOR US!!!!!!!"
Proverbs: As a man/woman thinks in his/her heart so he/she is…BE BLESSED WITH A WONDERFUL DAY.
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