Yesterday was our almost weekly trip to the very delicious Napalese/Indian restaurant in Beaumont that always has a wonderful smorgasbord, both for dinner and lunch. Yum. It is very healthy food and very delicious food. Not any surprise that we return.
Todays Question: "How many of you think that the term, get your moneys worth and the word smorgasbord mean the same thing?"
I sure did for the majority of my life. In our family if you were paying the price for the smorg you had better eat your money's worth. Or else! No way we were allowed to waste those hard earned dollars on one plate of food. Having that firmly placed in my head as a child I did what any good parent would, I passed it on to my children. Now that I'm older and a little wiser I can see what a foolish mistake that was. It has taken me a long time to realize that the definition of smorgasbord is not feeding frenzy. I was sure that's what the world meant. Turns out it means a variety of things, and is not just about food. Wow, the stuff I learn.
Yesterday I broke with family tradition and did the unheard of. I ate one plate of food at a smorg, with a picking or two of the samples they brought. That's it. What a money waster I am. I also broke another tradition...I didn't care. Goodness gracious, nobody tell my parents. I ate what I wanted and was full after one small plate of food. They have two sizes, smaller than normal and larger than normal. I was so proud of myself for quitting. I heard the song in my head, get your monies worth, get your monies worth, tra la la, eat, eat, eat. I ignorned it and thought, what a stupid thing to do, eat your monies worth and forsake your body. What is happening to me? :) smorg down, God knows how many to go. I am happily 16 pounds lighter after 5 hours of sitting on my butt counseling and having a smorg. Remarkable!
My Prayer: "Thank you Lord for good days, good friends and a beautiful world to live in. Regardless of the many struggles....being alive is such a blessing."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day
Jenny - congratulation on your hard work!! I wish you continued success. You are an inspiration to me...
Thanks Gia...means alot to me to inspire others in any positive way. :)