Monday, November 16, 2009

"Keep moving Forward"

This mornings quote is from "Meet the Robinsons", or is it?  I think Paul said it first..."I press on...".  In spite of failures, testings, trials and tribulations we must press on, we must keep moving forward.  I'm happy to report, I up two pounds.  I just wanted to write that so I could change my attitude.  I'm not really happy but I kinda am.

Today's Question:  "Why on earth would I be feeling even remotely happy to have gained two pounds?"

I learned something this morning as I sat annoyed for 45 minutes unable to write because I gained weight.  I did not give in to a vast host of temptations.  I did however, eat more than I needed too.  I ate healthy foods, made wise choices, with the exception of those overprocessed corn nuts, and I was very active.  I didn't do well at my parents house, my mom is still a wonderful cook and I "thought" I could resist those yummy freshly made Baking Powder Biscuits and homemade soup, but no.  I crumbled like the chocolate cake she also made.  So what did I learn?  One day does indeed make a difference. 

Oh dear.  So now I must press on, I'll keep moving forward and I will remember that I'm weak.  I find myself wondering how I'm ever going to get through Christmas as the party invites are coming in and they all
have food and drink as the focus.  So either I become a drunk to keep myself from over-eating, or I'll have to say no thank you.  Giving in to those fabulously prepared snacks and free dinners is so easy, figuring out how to say no thank you is very hard.  I can't even say no to soup and biscuits.  Really, how pitiful is that?

I'm really going to need to focus over the next month, temptation is every where and I really do want to press on until I reach my goal.  I have got to learn to resist.  I hate it when I feel myself surrendering, a hopeless victum of circumstance.  Food is everywhere, why does it all have to be so good.  Oh woe is me.

Okay that was pitiful, but I really feel like that every Christmas if I'm painfully honest with myself.  I love everything about Christmas, Jesus, my family, the meals, the baking, the chocolates, the presents and last but not least, the giving.  And I've also noticed that Christmas is a time for us women to show off how wonderfully we can bake.  Everyone must taste our traditional bests.  To decline is insult, to indulge is compliment.  I think I better start fasting and praying so I can continue to move forward.  Nothing like a two pound fall backward to remind me to press on.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

(Only 39 days till Christmas)