Thursday, November 5, 2009

Steely Determination

 Today results are in and once again I manged to find a pound...and a bit...remember we don't count the bits no matter how close they are to two.  So now what, I didn't have a horrible day, did go out for supper, didn't eat the bread, didn't eat the dessert I watched my husband devour.  However, I did take two echinaceas to prevent the sore throat I had and promptly ate crackers until the feeling I'd be sick passed.  My tummy was not ready for the pills without food and those salty crackers were the cause and the cure.  I'm sure the weight will be gone tommorow, I do pretty much anything to avoid eating at night...not good, always means a gain for me.

Todays Question:  "Why do I need steely determination?"

Answer, I have got to get past this ten pound hump and so I fear I may have to take some drastic measures.  I thought about lyposuction, seems like a very fashionable and easy means to hurdle a hump, I'm sure I could get my wonderful husband to pay for it, he spoils me quite readily, however, once I start I may never stop.  Then I'd have to change the title of my blog to fifty one year old gets fifty one pounds sucked off.  Who is going to read that?

Definition of steely determination, in my mind, I need to get that glazed over look in my eye, focus and stop bending.  I must be solid steel, as opposed to a mass of fat, and I must not lose sight of my goal.  I said at the beginning of this process that I was not stopping until I succeeded and I am "determined" not to.  So regardless of the results of too many salty crackers I set my face like steel to face this day and the new challenges it will bring.

One of my favorite scriptures is found in Romans 8:31, "If God is for me, who can be against me?"  The answer, me, unless I remember that God is for me.  And if He's for me, then why shouldn't I be.  I mean really. 

So no lyposuction, for now.  No more salty crackers at bedtime, I'll take my pills with meals.  I'll stay focused on the task and I will, before November ends, get enough pounds away from a ten pound loss that I never have to see it again. I'm happy for the loss, just really tired of repeating myself.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.


  1. I would read your blog no matter how you lost the weight, my friend :)
