Well last night I spent 4 hours decorating my Christmas tree and I'm still not done. I think my tree is too big and my ornament collection has grown to an unmanagable number. It's time to down size but since I've got so many memories attached to them it's hard. Oh woe is me Christmas tree.
Todays Question: "Does anyone other than me cry when they decorate the tree?"
I sure hope I'm not the only sap. I usually do okay until I get to the ornaments that have pictures of my kids on or in them. I manage my tears when I place their baby ornaments stratigically, I'm holding together as I put all the ornaments from the places we've visited up, but when I get to the ornaments the kids made me when they were in school...yep...I lose it. I'm what they call a gonner. The Christmas music we've listened to over and over again for years solidifies the deal and the festival of tears has begun. What a baby!
I'd like to tell you this does not happen every year, I go in with a strong countenance, this year I had the tree up for two days before I got Gord to hang the lights and put up the angel. I was trying to avoid the pain I'm sure. I can't beleive how fast my kids grew up, my babies have and are having babies, my first born has been with Jesus for ten years and I miss him soooo much. Life is as unpredictable as which strand of lights will or won't work at Christmas.
I glad this morning that my weight stayed the same, down ten pounds. I'm also glad that life doesn't. Change is good, and although the changes don't always make sense to me, I trust God. He knows what He's doing and when things don't make sense to me I remember, He ALWAYS has a plan.
Be blessed with a wonderful day.
Such great insights Jen! I'm with you on the "misty-eyed" Memories too. Just a few weeks ago, we packaged up most of Travis' ornaments I have kept separate in a GAP box for a few years as he was dating Lauren, then was engaged last year - still placing them on our tree every Christmas. I wanted to part with them & give them to him last year already, but I thought; "Well, they aren't married yet, so I can put them up on our tree one more year!" This month was the month I had to say goodbye to them, dividing them away from his brother Brandon's (who we are planning on placing in special spots on our tree again this year). So along with Travis' birthday gifts, all his ornaments from grandparents & ours were nicely tucked beside in his birthday box which was sent just in time for November 23rd. Sniff...sniff! Now Travis & Lauren will be putting up their first tree together - sharing special times together placing those treasured ornaments on their own tree to enjoy! Glad that the kids will be coming home for Christmas again this year....maybe we will start new traditions of exchanging Christmas ornaments again, keeping the ones they give us for our tree here at the farm. Yup, Change is Good & Needful! Thanks again for your encouraging blogs <3 WJM