Monday, November 9, 2009

Speak the truth in Love.

This if my life verse, it is found in Ephesians 4:15.  "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."  And so I have now learned that I have two things I need to do, speak the truth in love and...grow up. 

Todays Question:  "Am I the only one who finds herself always needed to change?"

I sure hope not.  Last night my husband tossed and turned.  He woke me up when he reached for the melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, I was in that deep sleep where you struggle to figure out what's going on, while you shut down the dreams you were having.  I was lying beside him just hoping he'd say something so I could rudely tell him he woke me up.  He's a smart man and when I returned from a unplanned potty break, he was silent.  I knew he wasn't sleeping and he knew he'd woken me, I held my tounque and he got very queit, and we stayed that way until he fell asleep.  I was too irritated to sleep. 

Something unusual happened to me while I lay thinking of the times I couldn't sleep and how I was always so careful not to wake Gord up.  I don't do what I like to call "flitting" when I can't sleep.  If you don't know what flitting is let me explain, loud heavy sighs, flipping over with mere minute breaks between, hanging a foot over the bed and moving it back and forth, lifting your head to look at the clock, for the tenth time, and last but not least, groans coupled with that pitful touque to roof of open mouth frustrated tsk sort of sound.  That is flitting and flitting is very bothersome for the person who "was" sleeping until all the flittings woke them up.  Ooops...I'm getting annoyed again.

My point was suppose to be the unusual thing that happened, so back to that.  As I lay thinking, you know cause I couldn't sleep anymore, I started to feel something other than anger toward my husband.  It was foreign at first and I tried to ignore it, nope, there it was.  He has to get up at 5:30 and I don't.  I wanted to say to that voice in my head, "Your point?"  But I knew what it was when I was quickly reminded of my chosen life verse, "...speak the truth in love...", I was done.  I couldn't feel mad anymore, I felt sorry for Gord as he tossed and turned frustrated by the fact the he was awake more than he slept.  I don't function well on anything less than 7 hours sleep, I remotely resemble a grizzly bear if I lack sleep.  Gord however, is just as kind, just as friendly and just as level headed with or without a full nights sleep.  Gord is the one who will be working for the next 11 hours and I'll shut this computer and light off when I'm done my blog and go back to sleep.  Poor me.

I realized something last night about myself, I find it easy to speak the truth in love when nothing that normally frustrates me is happening.  I'm the picture of kind words when everything is going my way, and then bam, God help the person who irritates me, wakes me up, or is just plain rude.  I'll show them an irritated grumpy lady who will tame their rudeness with a quick lash of my ever so cutting whip like tounque.  I'm good with words, and that means I can put them together for good or for evil.  And that my friends is the opposite of using my power for good, lashing the people God loves with my words. 

I listened last night as my heart softened toward my husband, I prayed for him as I heard him flitting, looking for sleep.  I decided in the middle of the night that I needed to apply that powerful verse to every situation in my life, not just the comfortable ones.  Speak the truth in love my friends and when you don't like what's happening around you...grow up.  That's what I need to do, God help me.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of one of the quotes I can still remember from Pastor Bob: "The fruit of the Spirit grows in the garden of Irritation"...I love that quote.
