I feel so blessed today to be called a mother but even more blessed to have children to call me by that name. I could never wax eleoquent enough to express my deep heartfelt gratitude to God for granting me the desires of my heart. For as long as I can remember I wanted children, I had a specific plan in place, grow up, get married and have kids. That was it. I never went beyond that, I just knew in the deepest most certain part of all that I was at a very early age, that children would be the best gift I'd ever get. I can assure you that I was indeed right. Only Jesus has done more for me than my children, and my husband...well depending on the day he's ahead of the kids, no wait a rung down, honestly on par.
Todays Question: "Did you ever think that your children would love you so much in spite of all the mistakes you made raising them?"
I never. I'm still so surprised by how much my kids love me. Still so blessed that they want to be in my company and still in awe of that unconditional love that a child has for a parent, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. I have seen and counseled some of the worst mothers and in spite of their weaknesses their children are still waiting for them to do the right thing and still willing to forgive them...if they'd just be sorry. The amazing part, they profess their love for that parent with or without the apology. Remarkable!
No matter how many mistakes I made with my kids they always forgave me. In spite of my failings and selfish wants, they tolerated me. No matter how many times I hurt them they continued to love me, and they were able to take the worst of me and become these remarkable people in spite of me. My children have seen me at my worst and inspired me to get better. They have been my greatest teachers and have made me a better human being because of their unconditional love for me. Children really do reflect God...so wonderfully.
I appreciate Mother's Day and there was a time when it was all about me. Give to me, appreciate me, show me how much you appreciate all I do for you and for goodness sake notice all the sacrifices I made and make for you. Thankfully I've grown out of that. I appreciate all that mother's do, always have, but...nothing I've ever done for my children has ever filled my heart the way one look at them sleeping in their beds has. No sacrifice I've made has ever brought me tears as quickly as a mere thought of them when they are away from me can. Flowers, chocolates, spa days, gifts, whatever, all nice and appreciated, but being a mother is a gift, having children is a priveledge. I received three gifts and they will remain my greatest treasures from here to eternity my friends. Children are truly a blessing from the Lord.
I couldn't be anything but happy on Mother's Day...I truly have it all.
My Prayer: "Lord help us to treasure our children."
Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.
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