Friday, May 14, 2010

Self Motivation

I'm finally figuring out that I can motivate myself.  I'm learning to get up when I don't feel like it and do something, other than sit in my chair and play mindless games or watch tv.  Yesterday my hard working husband came home and instantly went to the farmhouse to work, he has no motivation problems.  I sat in my comfy chair and was going to stay put for the night.  Once bored with everything I normally find entertaining, I decided to go put the horses in, feed and brush them, instead of letting Gord do it.  So up I made myself get and off I went.  I ended up riding.  What fun.  Wednesday night in Calgary I was sat in our wonderful hotel room, all snuggled in and Gord was going to the hot tub and sauna.  My lazy butt wanted to sit, but I made myself get up and go.  More fun.

Todays Question:  "Did you know that when you get up and do things it's more fun than sitting and doing nothing?"

I didn't.  I've always thought less was more, especially when thinking about exercise in any form.  I do realize going to the hot tub and sauna is not strenuous, but I did sweat and it takes effort to getting ready to go.  Remember I was comfy and cozy on the bed.

I think the key to getting active for me is finding things I love to do.  I do not like running on a treadmill to get nowhere, I can't stand riding a stationary bike, however I love riding a real one.  A person may think it's not work to ride a horse, but if you've ever readied a horse to ride you know it is.  And the muscles ache after the ride so something is getting a workout.  I need to find more things I love doing that get me moving. 

I'm happy to report that after two 3 hour car rides I'm still 14 pounds down.  I guess the sauna and horse ride worked out the swelling.  I'm also happy to report that I did not overeat.  That is not an easy thing to do when the food is amazing and free.  I have also discovered, as I pull out last years spring wardrobe, that some of my clothes are too big, others are fitting so much better.  What a difference 14 pounds makes, not just in what I can wear but in how I feel. 

My Prayer:  "Lord help us to help ourselves, just another way of asking for more of this self motivation.  Remind us all of how good it feels to overcome in the areas that have kept us bound for so long.  Please continue to guide and strengthen us Lord as only you can."

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.


  1. I have also been learning this lesson, Jenny. TV is so very easy, but once you get out and get stuff done it feels SO much better!


  2. Me too! I love gardening and yardwork, but have a hard time making myself get out there. As for other exercise, there's no hope for me to do it.

  3. You girls are both good at making me feel normal...thanks Maura and Joanna. :)
