Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rear Ended

So last week I got rear ended.  Thankfully not too hard.  I was sitting waiting for a car to go so I could and bamm, she hit me, I guess she thought I'd already gone.  I'm not really sure what she was thinking about at all since my SUV is bigger than a normal sized vehicle and kinda hard to miss.  Not too much damage, no one hurt, just me and Zayin in the car.  I got out of the car to see what damage was done and the poor young girl was calling herself stupid and apoligizing before I could call her the dumb a-- I'd called her when she hit me.

Todays Question:  "Why is it that when I'm in a car and I get scared that three letter word for butt comes out?" 

Tessa is going to be really happy with me if Zayin learns that from Grandma.  Thankfully I reserve it for scares in the car, I seem to have no control over myself, the word is out before I realize it's happened.  As soon as that poor young girl called herself stupid she had my pity.  Be assured that I would not have been anything but nice to her, even if she didn't get out of her car apologizing, my first reaction to fear is always my only negative response.  You would enjoy running into me, I'm very kind and forgiving.  After I privately call you an ___!   :)

Why is this important you may wonder?  Well, I'm surprised by how much I didn't care that she'd hit me.  All I could think of was that this poor little girl had such low self-image.  She kept saying she was stupid, how could she be so dumb, she'd already been in an accident.  "You have no idea how mad I am at myself."  She said most convincingly.  I reminded her that they are called accidents because no one does them on purpose.  Again, "I'm so stupid."  Yes, I told her she was not stupid and that blank moments in life happen to everyone.  She just shook her head in disgust. 

So how does this relate to a weight loss blog?  Well, skinny mini, good looking, wrinkle free young girl, maybe 20, runs into chubby bubby, wrinkled but good looking 51 year old women.  Which one of us do you think should be annoyed?  Who should be carefree and loving life?  Who should be thinking, yeah I hit a car, so what, look at my fabulous figure, my wrinkle free face and my thick hair.  I'm young enough to work to pay it off.  I look amazing, it's my parents insurance, good news for me?  Yes her.  Instead I'm all relaxed and care free, ignore my fear word, trying to comfort the young woman insulting herself.  Puts things in perspective for me.  When I was her age, I never appreciated how great I looked, didn't even have a clue actually.  I had no idea what was going to happen to my great figure, ate what I wanted and didn't give a rats.  Was life good, not really, I had no idea who I was.  I thought I was happy, thought I knew so much, but if I'd have run into someone I'd have probably been saying and doing excatly what she was.  Isn't that sad? 

I don't know how many young women I have reading this blog.  For that matter I don't know how many older woman I have reading this blog, okay I'll add middle aged women, no clue either.  What I do know is that we all need to learn to appreciate our bodies, minds and spirits, where we are at this moment. There isn't an age where we know it all.  Our bodies will always be changing, whether it's a self inflicted change or a gravitational shift.  I think we women need to be rear ended mentally from time to time just  to snap our heads back quick enough to wake us up.  Mistakes don't make you stupid, they teach you.  Wrinkle free faces are not a product of youth my friends, the reason we get the wrinkles is because of our youth.  That girl didn't have wrinkles, but I can assure you that I was watching her work on getting them.  In four or five more years she'll have made that frown permanent unless she quits beating herself up for doing things she deems as stupid.  I hope I taught that young girl something, how to act when someone accidentally hits you.  Whether it's with a car, words, looks or a hand.   I chose how I see myself and no one decides for me.

I'm going to write that again so it goes deep, not just in you but in me.  I chose how I see myself.  I decide where my focus will be and what it will be on.  I chose to love myself and embrace every aspect and every journey...even my rear ending.  :)

My Prayer:  "God help us to love ourselves like you do...without condition."

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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