Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Irritants and Frustrations

It's confession time and the title of today's blog is also the reason that I didn't blog yesterday and wasn't going to blog today.  I knew that if I missed again today a pattern would be established and I'd be on my way to stopping this train and getting off.  So I'm making myself write when I don't feel like it.  It's been a frustrating couple of days, horse issues, head issues, and heart issues.  Once again the words my Tessa taught our Zayin ring in my head.  "Grandma has issues."

Todays Question:  "Why does food always become my source of comfort when things seem to be running a muck?"

Last night I ate BBQ potatoe chips before I went to bed.  We all know what a wise choice that is.  Mother's Day started a feeding frenzy for me, no way I was not going to have whatever I wanted on that day.  So I stepped on the scale Monday and was up a pound, not so bad when you consider all I ate, the sugar and the white flour mixed well and tasted great.  I threw my one sugar treat on Sunday out the window, also ignored that I'd already had my Sunday treat on Friday.  Oops, I think I had another Sunday treat on Saturday as well.  And yesterday, I had my Sunday treat on Monday, at this rate I'll have eaten half a year of Sunday treats in no time.  Such control.  You'd think my need to control things would spill over into my eating habits...let's just say I have NO control issues when it comes to food. 

This morning, after a better day in spite of the chips, I'm up another pound.  Due in large part to the mass amount of food consumed and sugar treats over the weekend.  Add sitting for hours, salty snacks and way too many carb choices and I'm surprised it's not worse than it is. 

So how do I find a better way to deal with irritants and frustrations.  How do I stop myself from falling into the usual pattern of eating away my sorrows?  I hope you don't expect me to know the answer to that question because I'm clueless.  I'm going to take one day at a time because it's frankly all I can manage right now.  Everything seems to be bugging me.  Common  One of songs from The Sound of Music is ringing in my head; "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"  Insert my name and sing away.  (You may want to sing Jenny Lee...ah...just to make it flow.)   :)

My Prayer:  "Lord help me please to stop making the same mistakes whenever things don't go my way.  Help me to grow up, suck it up and deal with it.  And help us all to look to you and to trust that no matter how things go you are in control and will work it out for our good."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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