So this morning while I was playing on my laptop in bed I hear a noise, like a cooing weird animal noise that seemed to be coming from the end of my bed. I did what any brave women would do, I called my husband. He said; "You're hearing an animal noise?" I note that because I didn't like the undertone in his voice that implied I'd lost my mind. I assured him I wasn't crazy, and then right on cue, the noise. He said; "It's coming from your computer." I tried to muster up some confidence to tell him he'd lost his mind, but perhaps the sound wasn't completely off on my serious Farmville game. Ha! He did say right from the start it sounded like a pigeon or a dove, humm...interesting. Every now and then Gord gets to be right...remarkable. I'm just grateful nothing was under my bed.
Todays Question: "Did you know that the sound from a laptop travels out and sounds like it's at the end of the bed?"
I didn't. However, when he picked up my big quilt at the end of the bed I was ready to run like a chicken, we were looking for a dove or a pigeon remember. Isn't that a great way to start the day. Rescued by a big strong man first thing in the morning, please note he'd already made me breakfast in bed. No wonder I love him sooooo much.
So now that I'm calm enough to write, I've been fed, and I've been saved from pending pigeon/dove doom, all I want to do is reflect. Not on weight my freinds, it remains at fifteen pounds down and I'm back to working hard again, two horses to take care of now. Please note my shoulders and arms are a bit sore form a 45 min mud brushing my Grundy needed, I think he's thinks the dirty parts of the field are spas that have been carefully designed for his rolling pleasure. Ooops sidetracked, what am I reflecting on?
God, what else. ;) After Gord's willingness to come up the stairs to rescue me I started to wonder how many things God has rescued me from that I'm unaware off. I'm aware of several occasions, like the time I was mere feet from driving off a cliff when I was young, I was busy trying to find an 8 track for my stereo, looked up just in time to swerve away from the drop of doom. Had to stop my car and regroup after that one. No comments about the 8 track please. This morning I want to thank God for all the things He does for me, for us, that we can't see. For all the times we've been delivered from things we didn't even know about. For protection that we get before we need it and for the ability to see that He has gone ahead of us when the way we are walking in has obviously been so well prepared. I'm grateful. So grateful.
My Prayer: "Lord thank you, for the things you do for us that we don't know about, for times you make our way so much easier because of your preparation. Even when the day seems dark and our hope is fading, thank you for your amazing provision. I love you with all of my heart, mind soul and strength and I'm so glad you love us all so much."
Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day.
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