Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Self Pity

There are days when I forget how truly blessed I am.  I was reminded this morning of just how little I have to complain about while reading a blog from an army wife.  She wasn't complaining about her husband going, just talking about getting ready for it.  I felt like there was an elephant in the blog, as opposed to the room.  She said he was going, but did not talk about how sad that was.  I imagined that it would just be too painful.  It made me think about how I feel sorry for myself when I don't get the results I want from that scale.  Still sitting at 14 pounds down.  I whine, in my head not outloud, about how bored I get with things.  This morning I was bored with blogging, bored with games, bored with housework, whine...whine...whine.

Todays Question:  "Am I the only seriously pitiful...self pitiful person in the world?"

That probably is not good grammer or a great quesiton....I do know the answer....I'm not.  However, this morning I'm feeling like it.  I need to stop!  Stop feeling sorry for myself that is.  Being bored with things is normal, and probably a good way to weed out what is important and what isn't in my life.  Like how much time I can waste playing on my computer.  I should be finishing my book edits and working on my next one.  I could be at the farmhouse doing any number of things that need doing.  Let's don't even talk about how much I need to do at the city house to get ready to move.  Oh dear.

Why?  That's it.  Why?  Why do I forget how blessed I am to have a house to sell, to have bought my dream acreage that is even better than I dreamed only 2 mins from where I live.  Why do I forget that I have great children, beautiful grandchildren who are healthy, so happy and loved.  Why do I waste time when I know how precious it is?  Why do I grumble about things that don't really matter?  What is my problem?

Answer....self pity.  Things are not going the way I want them too, so I wallow.  It has to end.  In the words of my beautiful daughter I need to, "Suck it up princess."  And so I shall.  My husband isn't going to fight a war he didn't start.  My children are close to me and safe.  I have so much to be grateful for and I'm replacing today's attitude with gratitude and that's that.

My Prayer:  "Lord help me to remember how high the height I fell from was and how great a work you did, not just for me, but for all of us in lifting us up."

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day

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