Seems silly to think that being comfortable is problematic, at least to me. I readied myself to write this morning in my bed, I do most of my blogging there. I prop up my pillows, lean against my big headboard and pull the blankets up to stay toasty warm. I keep my house at a cool 64F when I sleep, and since I'm a slightly temperature crazy, sometimes menopausal women, I'm either freezing or boiling. I usually kick my feet out of the covers after 5 minutes. This morning I was so pleased at how comfortable I felt after the proper proping. But now after 10 minutes my neck is straining, my back is aching and I'm no longer comfortable. I just slid up 6 inches and now I'm comfortable again.
Todays Question: "Have you ever noticed that being comfortable is a temporary state the majority of the time?"
I have. I'm comfortable at bed time snuggled up to Gord, he's so warm and I love laying on his shoulder with his arm around me....until....I get too hot and dash to my own cooler side of the bed. I love sitting in my favorite chair after a long day, so comfy, until I've sat in it in one position for too long and then I have to move, or get up and do something so I can come back and be comfy again. I find the beginning of a meal the most comfortable and enjoyable thing, everything tastes so good when you just begin. After the hunger has past the foods not quite as good as it used to be and if I continue to eat I feel very uncomfortable in my jeans, well in my body for that matter. Overeating is not comfortable. Even too many compliments can make you feel uncomfortable.
There isn't an office sign or a bumper sticker that reads, "Too much comfort is uncomfortable." I think there should be. The truth is that nothing that comforts has any lasting ability, except God, but let me tell you even a relationship with Him can make you feel uncomfortable at times. The fault always sit with me in that case, my discomfort with God has to do with my comfortable choices. I forget how temporary the comforts of this world are. I forget the short term results this worlds comforting tools have, yes that includes people. No matter how much I love someone, too much time with them becomes uncomfortable, I need time away from them to appreciate them. Otherwise my selfish nature gets rude and grumpy. I have to have time alone. I need to reflect and from any position reflection comforts, I can't change the things I'm uncomfortable with...without it. I have to look in to find comfort, I have to look where God dwells, in me. Reflection can cause discomfort but in the end it yields a comfort that is lasting. It brings a harvest of change, in position, in thinking, in action and in how you find comfort in the things of this world that are not comfortable.
I beleive you can find comfort in any situation, no matter how difficult it is, but it does not always last. I beleive that if you look in, reflect on truth, you will find peace. Peace is lasting and is not based on feeling comfortable. The problem with comfort is it's feeling based and temporary. The amazing thing about peace is it's lasting. Storms swirl around you and they are not comfortable, peace is underlying, below the surface and unexplainable, but wonderfully present in spite of the circumstances. Peace truly surpasses understanding.
My Prayer: "Lord we seek to be comfortable when we should be asking for peace. We want cushions when we need rocks. We want food when we need to be hungry. We want life to be easy when we know that the natural progression of life is death. Help us to want peace over comfort, and thank you for making comfort a short term state, lest we never rise from our beds to live."
Be blessed with a Wonderful Day
This is so good Jenny... peace instead of comfort. That's such a good word!