Saturday, October 8, 2011

The High Price of Gratitude

The grocery shopping started yesterday, we will have no less than 16 people for Thanksgiving dinner on Monday and perhaps as many as 26.  Yikes...and thank the very good Lord for a husband who loves to cook the big occasion dinners.  And all the ladies said..."Amen".  He usually bakes no less than 4 homemade pies but this year he's passed the buck to our super pie maker...Christan.  Tessa the expert cupcaker shall make us her amazing treats as well.  So dessert is covered.

We have a tradition in our family when it comes to buns, we buy the Pillsbury country biscuits and for those 8 packages, 80 buns, we needed two large jars of Cheez whiz.  I can assure you there will be very few buns left and after the brussel sprouts are slathered in Cheez Whiz, we may have half a jar left.  The buns receive the same slathering.

Vegetables, 10 pounds of potatoes, peeled, cooked and mashed with way too much butter.  10 carrots to two turnips,cooked, mashed, seasoned and of course...way too much butter as well.  Well have a salad our two brought by wonderfully willing family and friends.

Stuffing, Gord has to fill the turkey and make two additional bread pans full, stuffing is most important.  Especially for Gordon Jr., he only eats buns, turkey and stuffing....not a fan of vegetables.

We always drink, sparkling apple juice, fruit spritzers and mineral water....about 12 bottles combined.

We'll need a large box of Byers Vanilla ice cream for those wonderful pies.

Bread and butter pickles are a must for the buns with turkey, they taste great mixed with Cheez Whiz, I mean what doesn't really.  :)

A boat of gravy, our boat is the very large Tupperware mixing container.

And that is our usual meal and a favorite of all because anyone who has every tasted my husbands cooking loves it.  He is a huge fan of excess and butter is something he likes to eat with a spoon, so not low calorie in anyway, but delicious.

Today's Question:  "Why the high price of gratitude title?"

Well, my brain, that's why.

Gord came home with the buns, and two jars of Cheez Whiz and a small ham, grand total of that receipt...$59.00.  Yep, and I didn't even mention the 26-30lb fresh turkey that will be picked up today at a cost of between $36 - $48.

Add all the above mentioned items and I think hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is around $275.00, it would be more but this year a few people are bringing items we'd normally supply.  So if we added pies, salad and cupcakes, another $100.00 easy.

So in my world one Thanksgiving dinner equals $375.00.  Expensive but worth every single penny.  :)

And of course that got me thinking about the high price of so many things we are thankful for:

Our Canadian costly and most assuredly...priceless.
Our Police Officers, Fireman, Ambulance Drivers, Dr.s, Nurses, etc., high priced and invaluable.
Our homes, the heat, the water, the power, the roof the walls, the furnishings, the pictures, the lawns, etc., very expensive and totally worth it.
Our child costs approximately $50,000.00 to raise, my kids I'm sure were double that and our grandchildren may cost more if Grandma does not learn to say no.  They are our most valuable gifts and they shall never have a price because they are irreplaceable, priceless and amazing...and they shall always be.
Pets, mine are horses and the price is very high but the peace they give and the gratitude I have for them...worth it.  The dogs and cats are cheap comparatively.  ;)
Our vehicles, I've walked a lot lately...I'm thankful for them in spite of their high cost.

My point, every single thing I'm grateful for comes with a high price tag.  Not always financial but always a cost.

And so what am I most grateful for...the free gift of salvation I found in Jesus Christ, free for all people...wonderfully true.

Price God paid for us all.... immeasurable!

My Prayer:  "Lord I shall be eternally grateful for the high price you paid for me and all who are willing to receive such a remarkable gift.  Forever in your debt and ever grateful my debt is paid.  Thank you Jesus, you are the source of all that's good in my life and..."every good a perfect gift is from above."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I think I Suck at Blogging

It's been over three months since my last post, "I think" is not an accurate title..."I know I suck at blogging" much more true to my form.  I started out good but as my successes were passed quite speedily, by my failures, I've noticed that my desire to write is a flame that gets quickly extinguished while my failures zip past.

Today's Question:  "Am I alone in my desire to only tell people about my successes?"

To say that the summer was a complete failure would not be true, but to say that the majority of the summer was an experiment in eating whatever I liked, now that is almost...completely true.  Only almost because I had a three week re-visitation to my Jenny Craig location, lost 12 pounds the first week and then maintained it for a short time before the downward spiral.  I had a wedding in Scotland and I wanted to be a least 20 pounds lighter for it, I did not succeed.  I really didn't want to be the fattest person in Scotland, turns out that all that haggis and fatty food made it easy for me to fit right in.  Who knew?  I managed to gain 8lbs on that two week vacation, it was fabulous.  I know...not the world's greatest I?

I'm hoping, now that the summer is over, birthdays all done, at least the major ones that mean way too much ice cream cake and desserts for a row.  June to September is our families busiest birthday season, you can have treats about once a week for 3 months.  Excuses you say...yep...resistance to ice cream cake for me...futile.

I have decided to change my blog as result of weakness and lack of desire to write about my weight struggles and the odd successes daily...or even weekly...okay monthly.  :)

Decisions about my blog:

1.  Fifty One Pounds may get a name change.  (If you have a name that fits tell me...I love input.)
2.  I would rather write about the thoughts that seem to always be rolling around in my brain.
3.  I do love to encourage people and I'd love to do that with my blog, on topics that are not mainly weighty.  
     (Pun intended.)
4.  I am still committed to losing 51 pounds and I still believe I can.  Apparently two years is not the timeline.
5.  Still not quitting until I succeed.
6.  I love telling stories and I'd like to incorporate them into a daily/weekly, depending on how often the stories post intended to inspire people.  A lofty goal I realize, trust the Holy Spirit will help me.
7.  I love sharing my experiences and the things that have changed any way.
8.  I love Jesus and I would like whatever I write to be a reflection of that.
9.  I'd like this blog to be more interactive, not just comments but thoughts that are worth sharing, experiences that other people have learned from as well.
10. And finally.....................the rest is a mystery that I'm trusting shall unfold as I go.

So...those are my decision/thoughts for the empty pages I shall attempt to fill as I go forward...hoping that I shall not suck at blogging any longer.

I heard J.K Rowling, haven't read any of her books, give an answer to this question.  "How would you like to be remembered.  She said;  "As someone who did the best they could with the talent they had."   That penetrated me to the core.  Because it was exactly what I felt I wasn't doing, using the talent God had given me to the best of my ability.  I was the servant who buried her talent, not entirely but in large enough measure that I knew that word was speaking to me.  I have not used my gifts to their fullest, I have been wasting them. I'm sure mine are buried under a pile of fat somewhere, pick a pound.  I'm learning, slowly I might add, that extra weight makes you slower in every way.  The positive in that sentence is that I"m learning.

Every sunrise brings with it's a new day and I need to start using all of my gifts...I'm sure some of you do to.

My Prayer:  "Lord help us all to realize and utilize our giftings for Your glory to bless others."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day