Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Boy do I hate exercise, unless it comes in the form of things I like to do.  Like riding my horses, or playing with my grandchildren, or going for a bike ride with a friend.  This morning I watched Yoga for half and hour and then Pilate's for half an hour.  Seriously, I'm exhausted.  :)

Today's Question:  "Why do I watch exercise and feel so much better?"

It seems to me that watching exercise is way better than doing it, and if you don't believe me answer this question; "Why do so many people spend hours watching other people exercise?"  Dare I say so many people who like myself could lose a few pounds by doing instead of watching. 


1.  Gord and I can be found watching golf on the occasional Sunday, we also end up napping during golf.  It is a nice quiet sport to nap to.  Sometimes we golf, but Gord likes it way more than I do.

2.  Many of you have been watching the hockey playoffs. Those jumps of the couch when they score are exhausting.  So much better to watch than do...the sweat pouring off those players is horrid.

3.  Baseball watchers abound and the only exercise to the fan is cheering and going for hot dogs.  I'm sure that counts.

4.  Soccer,  I could go on.

My point, it is better to watch than do, unless of course you are one of those people, who I'm seriously trying to understand, who actually like to exercise. 

Or perhaps, like I love to ride my horses even though it's exercise, they love sweating that much doing their sport.  Weird!   I may have gained some understanding as to why those people would sign up to sweat like that.  :)

I watched yoga and Pilate's this morning for reasons other than my weirdness, I plan to start doing a workout to one or the other at least three to four times a week.  I had to see if I'd survive before I committed.  I'm not sure about the Pilate's but I think I can handle the yoga.  In spite of my excessive frame I am remarkably flexible.  So I'll let you know if I survive the first week of this new plan, that ball can be dangerous.  ;)

If things don't go well I can rejoin the minions and watch.

My Prayer:  "Lord keep all those active sports minded people safe as they stretch their bodies to the max and help those of us who are less committed to simply move more."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

According to Jenny

That title is not a reference to me, it is however related to Jenny Craig, according to them I have officially lost 11.9lbs since starting their program....once again...two weeks ago Thursday.  So that's good.  I can give credit where credit is due.  The program has been what I needed to smack myself in the head, gently of course, and get back on track.  I've been finding it relatively easy and have managed to avoid temptations of all kinds.  No one is more surprised than I.  :)

Today's Question:  "Why do we quit doing what works and fall back in the pattern of doing what does not.?

Creatures of habit perhaps, or in my case, big baby who wants her cake and would love to eat it too.  When I say cake I'd really rather have a loaf of homemade bread. 

I'm surprised by how different I feel on this third attempt at getting 50lbs off with Jenny Craig, apparently I have a pattern, when I get within 20-25lbs of my goal weight I disappear.  Makes me wonder if I'm afraid of my own success.  Now that I have seen that pattern, somehow the counselor missed it, I plan to attack it face first and fists flying.  No more yielding to a pattern, I mean really I should know better.  So this success in the first two weeks has inspired and shocked me.  All this time I thought I had a horrible metabolism, turns out I eat too much at three sittings, instead of eating less for six...I like that math.  In order to work a metabolism must be fed.  Surprise!  So I'm happy eating six times a day cause it's three times more than I used to.  My next question is how did I miss that on my other two attempts with Jenny Craig?  Sometimes....the girl is slow.

I'm speeding up now.  Looking forward to seeing my fifty one pounds and curious to see what I'll look like at that weight.  It's been well over 30 since I've seen me at that size and I'm certain I'll be spending some time trying to figure out who owns the image in the mirror I'll be looking at. 

My Prayer:  "Lord help us all to go forward when backwards is more comfortable and known."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I find it very difficult to feel anything but this overwhelming sense of joy when Mother's Day comes.  I always feel like I should shower my children in gifts because they have given me more blessings than I'm sure I could ever give them.  Being a mom is my favorite thing, I love being a wife, a friend, etc., but I just always wanted kids and from the moment I met each one of my three babies I've been head over heels in love with them.  I have never once regretted being a mother. 

Today's Question:  "Do you get the value of your children?"

I sure hope so.  There are days when it is hard to be a mom, those sick days have been the hardest on me, I hate seeing my kids suffer in any way.  It's hard to let them go once they've grown and to allow them to make their own choices in life, even knowing the pain that those choices could cause them.  Its hard to shut the mouth to allow them to figure things out for themselves.  I still turn into a mother bear when someone speaks the slightest  word against one of my kids.  I desire to bless them, help them, support them and give myself to help them in any way I can. 

One of the most satisfying aspects of having grown children is discovering that they still want to spend time with you.  I love that my kids like doing things with Gord and I, we are so blessed by their invitations to us to be involved in their lives and the lives of their children on a regular basis. 

I could ramble for days about what a blessing it is to be a mom, I'll close with this. 

Children are truly the greatest teachers, supporters, friends, joys, and pictures of what Gods unconditional love looks like.   Children have been and will always be my greatest blessing and the best gifts ever, on Mother's Day and every other day thereafter.

My Prayer:  "God bless our children as they have truly been the greatest blessings of our life."

Have a Wonderful Mother's Day....We are Blessed!   :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Elections & Diets

Today's Question:  "What do those two things have in common?"

Answer:  "They both can bring out the worst in people." 

I'm so happy to say that I'm much nicer about elections than I am about dieting, watching what I eat, changing my lifestyle, learning to live with less, getting with the program, stopping the insanity, pick a phrase I don't like any of them. 

However if I had a politcial party of my very own the name of my party would be...  "Focused!"

As in focus on what you plan to do and how you want to be remembered as a party and a leader.
Decide what really matters and make a difference.
Speak about your plans, your vision, etc.
Don't slander people, no matter who you are running against or who you are voting for.
Get that the media does not always tell the truth, about all parties, because they are biased and have lost ...."FOCUS".
If the best you can do to promote your party is expound on all that is wrong with the other party, you have lost focus and are giving too much of your attention to the wrong party..ooops...probably not your best argument...just saying.  ;)
I could go on...but I will not to lose my focus.

So how do I feel about the election outcome? Good!

Not because I believe that everything done will be wonderful, but because a leader has been chosen.  That's a period.   I pray he leads well and I will pray that prayer everyday regardless of who he/she is or what country he/she leads.  That's my Christian duty.

I'm so happy that the BQ did so poorly, simply because I love this Country and I love it United.

Now if the DQ was doing poorly and the threat of closures in any province was eminent..oh my gosh I'd be stressed.  I prefer ice milk to ice cream and like's my choice, right and duty people.  :)

I think these changes are all a part of one very great God's plan, I've said it before and I'll say it again...God is in control, not one leader has ever been a surprise to him, in fact they were born for such a time as this...whether I've agreed with everything they have done or not. 

I shall always vote, well as long as the DQ doesn't fall apart, some very amazing women made sure I could vote and I'm most grateful for the voice they fought to give us.  I shall exercise my right proudly.  I love this Country and it's electoral processes. 

Diets, I don't love and I hope to get them out of my life forever one day.

My Prayer:  "God guide our leaders as only you can, give them wisdom, insight and understanding beyond themselves by your beautiful Spirit.  Thank you for this beautiful Country we live in and the amazing rights we have...we are blessed beyond measure and  are most grateful."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Too Much!

So I had the weigh in, it was worse than I thought, but then I weighed on my scale the morning after and I was still 10 pounds down.  Apparently their scale weighs heavier than mine, please note mine weighs exactly the same as the Airlines, so I don't have a cheap scale.  Perhaps Jenny C wants you on the program longer.  Whatever the cause I'm sticking to my scale for my recording of this journey to being 51 pounds lighter. 

Today's Question:  "How often do you weigh?"

I think I weigh too much and it's time for me to put my scale away and take it out once a week after I weigh in with Jenny.  That will be hard because I stand on that scale every single morning.  I had broken that very bad habit once before but returned to it just like I do with so many things I think I've gotten out of my life.  I'm sure some ex-smokers can relate. 

My goal remains the same and I'm still determined to reach it, I'm grateful for help.  Not sure why but I feel stronger now and I pray it lasts.  I was very frustrated that I didn't lose weight during my lent, but I've since taken some responsibility, turns out I can overeat healthy food as easily as I can junk food.  Too much regardless of it's form is still too much....who knew?   :)

I'm still resisting exercise but will be riding my horses more and will to return to the yoga mat and my inversion table.  There is a bike in my garage and a stationary one in the basement...I seem to be like the one in the basement...stationary.  That also must end. 

Change is hard, but change I must.  I have some very stiff hips, and sore muscles...I assure you it isn't from strain.  This sitting thing is hard on a body and so I'm going to have to get moving unless I plan on finding a way to enjoy this pain.  So far that's not working and I've given it a long and serious try.   I'm still hoping that one day I'll wake up and love exercise. 

My Prayer:  "Lord guide us to honesty with ourselves, forgive us when we lie to ourselves and help us to make the changes that will be lasting for our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day