Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So Far....

...not so good as Christmas approaches.  I'm happy to say that I'm only a pound up, that does not normally make me happy but I assure you, it is good news.  This holiday season is proving to be a very trying time for me.  I did something I haven't done for years, I put off shopping until December was upon us.  Not like me at all.  I'm normally the woman people hate, I've got most of next years presents bought right after Christmas at no less than half the cost.  This year the farmhouse purchase on the 6th of December sidetracked me and I just never bought much at all, a few Christmas decorations which I'm loving now and some slippers...that's it.  So I've been at one mall or the another for the past two weeks running around like a mad woman trying to finish my shopping.  NO!  I'm still not done, but I am almost finished.   I can breathe again. 

I've had to put off the Christmas baking, I blame the 3 dozen cookies I baked last week for the weight gain, I forgot that Christmas baking was for guests and somehome consumed almost all those cookies myself.  Not at once thank God, but over the last week and a half.  I'm way too good at baking, and I'm not bragging I'm just saying that I only bake what I love, so...I wouldn't love it if it wasn't yummy.  :)  It may surprise some of you but I'm a picky eater.  I don't beleive in wasting calories on something I think is okay, I only eat what I really like when it comes to fattening treats. 

So now I'm trying the avoidance technic, if I don't bake it...I won't eat it.  Another problem, and it has to do with me and things that are on sale.  So long story short, stupid Costco has Quality Street chocolates on sale.

Todays Question:  "Who decided that chocolate should go on sale?"

Serioulsy...Who?  Should I say Why?  I love knowing Where and When, but What the heck.  How can I resist something I love if it's on sale.  It was the straw people, my back is not that strong I have extra weight to with me.  No red blooded chocolate loving women that I want to be friends with can resist their favorite chocolates on sale.  They were $4.00 off.  OMG as in gosh.  I caved, are you surprised?  And just so you know I'm not a hopeless case I bought the other chocolates that were on sale too, but like I said, if I cheat I only eat what I love, and those chocolates I can merely tolerate, so I haven't touched them.  Wouldn't it be nice if I hated everything but vegetables and fruit? 

I'm still plowing along, so don't give up if you are plowing with me.  I crash and then I put myself back together again and press on.  I'm sure glad I love salad or I'd be hooped.

My Prayer:  "Lord once again I struggle with change and I know others do too, please strengthen us, guide us and direct our steps.  And please Lord no more sales on chocolates."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are They Kidding?

I heard or saw an advertisement yesterday for a talking scale.  My brain did what I like to call a "instant disconnet".  That means I couldn't think about it when I saw the ad because I was in shock.  I had to go to town so as I drove my mind did what I like to call a "slow recall", and I started thinking about...

Todays Question:

"Who in the Sam of hello would want a talking scale?"

When I go to the Dr. for that yearly checkup once every 3 or 4 years, (I know), I get weighed on one of those livestock scales.  I find myself hoping that the girl weighing me in will not yell out how much I weigh.  Have you ever noticed that no matter what octave the girl is actually talking in when she says your weight it echos throughout the building.  I want to yell back,   "I'm not deaf for crying outloud woman, keep your voice down."  And should that poor girl be heavier than I am once again I want to scream, "Let's see how much you weigh missy, then I'll yell it out for all the world to hear."  If she's skinnier than me, which is most often the case, I'm quiet, but people are usually quiet just before violence erupts.  :)

Are you enjoying the glimpse into my twisted mind so far?  I hope so.  Back to the talking scale, can you imagine the kind of trouble my husband would be in if he got me one of those for Christmas.  Oh dear.  I fear a man must have invented these stupid talking scales.  This is how I know, my husband decides he needs to weigh, he trots happily up the stairs, steps on the scale with authority, reads what it says outloud, like he's proud of it....regardless of whether he's up or down.  How in the #!# & *#!, do men manage to do this.  Then he hops off, doing this strut thing, chest out, hands on belly...I hope your sitting...he's smiling!!!!   He's not even concerned, and more shocking than that, if we have company he'll go down and tell people how much he weighs, in fact he'll tell anyone who asks him at anytime.

Here is what happens when I weigh, if people are in the house I'm concerned they may hear the scale so I step on it quietly.  Just in case they hear it and then ask what it says.  Oh that makes me tremble!  I will mention it if I've lost weight, but only to those chosen few who know not to ask that dreaded, "How much do you weigh now?" question.  I'll tell you how old I am anytime day or night, but I will not tell you how much I weigh unless you've earned my undying trust.  Could you imagine what kind of madness would go on in this house if my scale talked.  I'd be throwing myself over the speaker to keep it from talking outloud, if that didn't work the people of Beaumont would drive by our house and wonder why we had a scale in our front yard, a smashed one no less  Do you know how hard it is just to know your weight in your head?  Why on earth would I want some male voice belting out how much I weigh like I should be happy or worse, some female voice judging me regardless of her monotone efforts.  Seriously.

More questions.  Does the talking scale make other comments?  For example, you weigh ---lbs, maybe you should lay off the cookies, or my goodness you've actually lost a pound, it's been 4 months since you've lost a pound...amazing.  How about, for crap sake woman my arm is spinning. I don't go that high...get off me now!!!  Or my favorite expression, are you flippin kidding?  Can you order more empathetic talking scales that say things like; dont worry about it I know lots of people who weigh so much more.  You hide your weight so well, or my husbands favorite comment to me if I lose a pound or two, "A good wind will come up and blow you to Calgary if you are not careful."  I love when he says that, my mind instantly thinks. yes dear a tornado wind.  Likely the scale would garner the same thought.  I wouldn't beleive it either. 

So if you planned to buy me a talking scale for Christmas please don't.  I've been known to lash out at inatimate objects in the past and I cannot be trusted.  Some things shouldn't be invented, and should you have one of these horrid creatures in your home I feel for you, unless your a man of course and then I'm happy you have someone who blurts out your weight as readily as you do.  :)

My Prayer:  "Lord I love that you love us regardless of what of we struggle with, remind us often of that amazing love."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

Monday, December 6, 2010


It's good to be back in control again, of myself that is.  I'm finally feeling better, moving more and making healthier choices, again!  I can honestly say that I'm so glad to see November gone, it was a sick month and I mean that in almost everyway.  Good things still happened, it was just hard to embrace them whilst I was clinging to my barf bucket.  :)

Todays Question:  "Do you ever take things for granted?"

I sure do!  I enjoy very good health, I have the typical aches and pains that come with age, but overall I'm one very healthy girl and I'm very grateful as well.  I have no idea where people who deal with illness on a daily basis find the strength to go on, well I have some idea...GOD.  I am a pitiful sicko, can't do much of anything...except feel sorry for myself.  I managed to keep the crying fits to a minimum this time around, that is an improvement.  It seems I have to have a pity party and fall apart before I can see how blessed I am the majority of the time.  What a baby!!!

Something positive that came from November...I lost the 6-8 pounds I'd gained in October.  Whew, that was close.  I'd have rather done it some other way, but hey, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth.  I earned those pounds and am happily sitting at my 13 pound loss and looking forward to more droppings, even during this holiday season.  Do you think I'm being realistic in this hope?

No matter what December brings I will be happy.  Happy I'm healthy, happy I'm so loved, happy I have such great people in my life, both by birth and by choice.  So blessed to have a man who loves me so much, and serves me, and holds me while I whine when I'm sick.  Ok he's not great at cleaning but I'd rather the hugs and endless bucket trips...okay? 

I love Christmas, I love Jesus and the price He paid for me.  Even knowing me....completely...can you beleive that God loves us without condition, so true.  That babe in the manager who died for all our sins was a remarkable man....a remarkable God and a most remarkable Saviour.  I am in awe of such greatness, such goodness and such mercy. 

My Prayer:  "That gratitude and love would penetrate your heart, no matter it's state, and remind you of how truly blessed you are, regardless of your struggles and doubts.  Truly we are all loved beyond measure!!!"

Be Blessed with A Wonderful Day