Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh Garsh!

The battle to write today...intense.  Did not want to because I'm up 3 pounds, not surprised since I've been eating chocolate everyday.  It would appear that I've replaced my no sugar attitude with choclate and nuts. I keep telling myself how healthy nuts are, the scale keeps telling me how fattening they are.  Stupid scale.
Todays Question:  "How do you stop doing something when it's all you want to do?"

I know the answers, so please don't write them to me.  Although I like to act like a ninny I know I'm not.  I know what works and I know what doesn't.  Seriously, I have no less than 32 years experience at this.  That would certainly give me a Doctorate in Dieting.  You don't have to call me Dr. though.  :)

I'm not sure what will snap me out of this chocolate funk, the scale isn't working.  The brain, although it would seem to be shut off, is merely in ignore mode.  I hear that voice saying, "Knock it off."  I listen long enough to hear and then get up and do what I want.  I told you way back when I started this blog that I hate being told what to do...even by myself.  The brat in me has kicked into overdrive and I may need some serious discipline.  It would appear that I'm attacking the food with the same vengenance I felt after it attacked me.  I know this is a loosing battle but I don't seem to want to go down without a fight.  Now if I could just redirect the battle in a positive direction.

Oh this weight thing never seems to end, I know it's not about the food it's about my emotions.  Turns out I'm way more emotionally attached to this thing than I first thought.  This is my ball and chain and my comfort and reward.  I give of myself and then I put mouth that is.  Yikes!

I'm going to figure this out one day and I'm hoping it's sooner than later.  I truly would love to be free of the yo yo cycle of changing my eating habits.  I do move more so that is good...something positive.

My Prayer:  "God help us when we chose not to help ourselves.  I'm so glad you love us in spite of our faults and failures."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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